Acne is an inflammatory skin condition in which red pimples appear on the skin especially on the face, shoulder, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Acne mostly occurs during puberty.

What is the Symptom of Acne?

  • Whiteheads (closed plugged pores)
  • Blackheads (open plugged pores)
  • Small red, tender bumps (papules)
  • Pimples (pustules)
  • Large, solid, painful lumps under the skin (nodules)
  • Painful, pus-filled lumps under the skin (cystic lesions)

What are the Causes of Acne?

During puberty, Androgen hormone increase, and the Sebaceous gland produce an oily substance which is called Sebum. Sebum and dead skin cell come up through the hair follicles and out through the pores in the skin or when this sebum, skin cell, and follicles can’t escape through the pores then they cause acne. The risk factor of Acne are given below:

Hormonal Changes

During puberty Androgens hormone increase in boys and girls and make more sebum then overproduction of sebum causes Acne problem. If you face the issue of acne due to hormonal changes book an appointment with the best endocrinologist in Karachi through InstaCare.

Some medication

Medications that include Corticosteroids, Testosterone, or Lithium cause Acne.

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When you share makeup brushes of someone who is suffering from acne then there is a chance that you also face acne issues because acne-causing bacteria stick on the makeup tools and that bacteria spread to your skin when you use makeup tools.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

polycystic ovary Syndrome creates too much testosterone in the body that also increase sebum which causes acne issues.


If you are eating food and drinks like;

Grains and Sugar

By eating carbohydrates increase the sugar and insulin level in the blood which causes acne.

  • Foods that include Carbohydrate are given below:
  • Bread, crackers, cereal, or desserts made with white flour
  • Pasta made with white flour
  • White rice and rice noodles
  • Sodas and other sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Sweeteners like cane sugar, maple syrup, honey, or agave

Dairy products

  • By using dairy products insulin levels increase which causes Acne issues.
  • Dairy products that cause Acne are given below:
  • Milk
  • Ice cream

 Fast food

  • High GI food increase sugar and insulin level which causes acne because intake of GI food boosts insulin levels.
  • Fast Food that causes Acne are given below:
  • Burger
  • Nuggets
  • Hot dogs
  • French fries
  • Sodas

Foods rich in Omega-6 Fats

Omega-6 rich diets cause worse acne. Western diets contain large amounts of corn and soy oils, which are rich in omega-6 fats, and few foods that contain omega-3 fats, like fish and walnuts.


Stress causes Acne because cells that produce sebum have receptors for stress hormones. Sebum is an oily substance that mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria which lead to acne.


If you face an acne problem and you want to consult with the best Dermatologist in Pakistan book an appointment through InstaCare or you can call on the helpline number: 0310 0002273