When pregnancy symptoms start appearing, like nausea or missed a period, you need to check whether you are pregnant or not by the pregnancy test. A pregnancy test can accurately tell you if you are pregnant by limiting the concentration of some hormone in your urine, called human chorionic gonadotropin.

A pregnancy test can be of two kinds. One is a urine test, and the other is a blood test. The hormone HCG is found in your urine around a week later. Suppose you have missed your period that can be checked via a pregnancy kit at home. On the other hand, a blood test can be done at the healthcare center. In this case, the chorionic gonadotropin concentration is detected in the blood even a smaller quantity earlier and more accurately than in the urine test. This is often done to check the validity of the home-based test.

Blood Test For Pregnancy

The blood test for pregnancy is a quantitative blood test that determines the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in women's blood. To perform this blood test, first, the blood sample is taken from one of the veins, usually through the arms, by venipuncture.

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This hormone is secreted in blood and is detectable within the first two weeks after conception. The amount of the hormone secreted is measured on both the test, urine-based home test, or clinical analysis of blood. Both are equally reliable and valid.

What Are The Main Differences Between Blood And Urine Test

The blood test offers you a more significant number of information and is more sensitive than a urine test. In a urine test, you may fail to detect the hormone in your body because of its low concentration, but you can notice even the lower amount via a blood test.

The urine test is qualitative, while the blood test can be qualitative and quantitative. The urine test can tell the positive and negative results, but not the amount of CG is accurate after some weeks when you missed your period. Still, the blood test can be correct before you miss your first period.

Blood Tests Can Be Qualitative And Quantitative Both

When you take the test that might be a qualitative blood test in which the amount of hormone is measured or quantitative in which the blood test results are more than the answer that you are pregnant, the report will contain more information on this beta CG test every little amount of the hormone is measured and compared with the situation before.

If you undergo the quantitative test, your doctor might track any chances for miscarriage or the analysis that you are carrying twins or multiple. A blood test might not suit every woman, or she might not bear these routine checks. In that case, she can rely on a home-based test.

When Blood Test Is Used And What Are The Efficacy

We say the blood test is accurate. It doesn't mean that the urine test gives falls analysis or something that can be accurate. Still, when we take the blood pregnancy test, we don't get a positive or negative answer, but we come to know other possibilities, risks like multiples, which we need a detailed study to cope with.

The blood test can be preferred for higher risks like fertility treatments, to scan the chances of miscarriage or tubal pregnancy, and other complications you may face. A blood test is more efficient for avoiding those unwanted conditions.

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Possible Results Of Blood Test Pregnancy

Average estimated results show that the level of the CG hormones increases during 1st trimester and then starts decreasing after ten weeks and then stabilizes after sixteen-week but if there is any abnormal fluctuation like,

Increase Of HCG Then Normal

Suppose there is a higher than average concentration of the hormone. It can cause a tumor in the uterus and various other infections, such as ovarian cancer, which can be due to triplets or twins or may indicate pregnancy in gestation.

Concentration Of Hormone Decreases Than Normal

If the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone decreases, that may signal miscarriage or death of the fetus.


A blood pregnancy test can give you a more detailed analysis of your inner condition during pregnancy that will further guide you in making arrangements accordingly for your baby's health and average growth.

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