If you're expecting a little one, congratulations! You've got an exciting journey ahead of you with lots to think about and prepare for. During this time, many women opt to enlist the help of a doula—a person experienced in childbirth who provides emotional, physical and informational support during pregnancy, labor and birth. But what is a doula pregnancy? In this blog post, we'll break down what it is exactly that doulas do so that you can decide if having one is right for your birthing experience.

What is a doula?

A doula is an invaluable support figure during pregnancy who provides physical and emotional assistance to expecting mothers. Their primary aim is to ensure that the expectant mother has a safe and positive birthing experience. They offer a range of services including physical comfort, education, baby-birthing classes, and information about the options available for delivering their baby.

Doulas don’t replace midwives, but rather provide extra support for families during this special time. With doulas in tow, new mums can look forward to feeling more confident throughout their pregnancy as well as more secure knowing they have someone to turn to for some much needed guidance before, during, and after childbirth.

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What's the difference between a doula and a midwife?

Pregnancy is an exciting and challenging time for expecting mothers, and doulas and midwives provide important support during this special period. Although doulas help with both emotional and physical needs of the mother before, during, or after childbirth, midwives specialize in providing medical care related to pregnancy.

Additionally, doulas are not regulated by any governing body whereas midwives are usually licensed professionals who practice either as a Certified Nurse Midwife or Certified Professional Midwife. Furthermore, doulas typically do not have clinical training or medical backgrounds; however, doulas often have specialized training in certain topics such as acupressure for labor pain relief. As a result, doulas and midwives play very different roles when supporting expectant mothers throughout the process of pregnancy.

What are the benefits of having a doula?

Having a doula during pregnancy can have many advantages. A doula is a skilled professional who provides emotional and physical support to pregnant women throughout their journey. Not only do doulas provide moral support for pregnant mothers, but they are also incredibly knowledgeable about the process of childbirth, natural pain relief methods, and breastfeeding techniques.

With their direction, childbirth can be approached in an informed, confident way rather than one of fear or uncertainty. Furthermore, beyond their technical expertise doulas also provide unwavering emotional support; they are a source of comfort and assurance so that expectant mothers can approach childbirth with peace of mind. In sum, doulas provide an invaluable resource to any pregnancy experience.

What does a doula do?

A doula is a trained professional that provides physical, emotional, and informational support to women and families before, during, and after labor. Doulas specialize in doula pregnancy; they know the ins and outs of what to expect at each stage of pregnancy. They are knowledgeable about birthing options so they can help parents make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances.

At the birthing event itself, doulas are there to provide comfort measures such as massage, suggesting positioning changes and other calming techniques. They also act as an advocate for the mother's wishes during labor. After delivery doulas can help with breastfeeding, newborn care, and postpartum support including family adjustment to the new baby. In short doulas provide a valuable service by helping expecting mothers feel supported and empowered before, during, and after delivery.

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Doula's role during your pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of emotional and physical changes that expectant mothers often feel unprepared for, which is why doulas play a vital role in providing information and support during this wonderful period. A doula’s role throughout the course of pregnancy ranges from offering emotional care through to physical comfort and assistance. Common doula activities include the provision of knowledge on topics such as prenatal nutrition, postpartum recovery, natural birthing options, breastfeeding tips and more.

They can also provide support to any partner or family members helping to navigate this life-changing event with their loved one. Furthermore, doulas are incredibly helpful when it comes to managing pain during labor and delivery, as well as getting educated about potential scenarios that you may have not considered prior to giving birth. All in all, doulas make for invaluable companions; their expertise, compassion and dedication should be considered by pregnant women who are looking for advice and uninterrupted support during their special journey.


If you're considering a doula for your pregnancy and birth, congratulations! Doulas can provide emotional, physical, and informational support throughout your journey to becoming a parent. While the research on the effects of having a doula is still inconclusive, there are many anecdotal reports from parents who feel that their doulas made a positive difference in their birth experience. Do some research and find a doula whose personality and philosophy meshes well with yours--you'll be glad you did come Labor Day!