What is eye stye?

Staphylococcus bacteria cause infection on the eyelid associated with a small collection of pus is called eye stye. 

 Symptoms of a stye include: 

1. A lump appears on the eyelid. 

2. Swelling on the eyelid. 

3. Pain on the eyelid. 

4. Redness on the eye. 

5. Feeling a burning sensation on the eye. 

6. Create a Blurry vision. 

7. Mucus discharge from the eye. 

8. Feeling discomfort when blinking the eye.

There are two types of Stye:

Hordeolum stye:

Another name for hordeolum stye is (sty, hordeolum). It appears on the oil gland of the eyelid by bacterial infection Staphylococcus aureus. A red tender bump appears on the eye and it affects the eye from outside or inside. 

Chalazion stye:

It appears on an oil gland deep in the eyelid or infected eyelash follicles. Symptoms of a chalazion include feeling something in the eye, sensitive to light, coming tears in the eye, a painful red bump appears with pus. 

The risk factor of developing eye stye

1. Don’t use expired cosmetics. 

2. Sleep deprivation also causes eye stye. 

3. Contact lens users have a risk of eye stye, before applying the lens you need to clean the lens with a special solution. 

4. If you don’t take proper vitamins then there are the chances of causes the stye. 

Things to know about eye styes:


1. Eye stye doesn’t affect the ability of vision. 

2. If you want that eye stye bacteria don’t grow more you should keep your hand or eye-clean. 

3. Don’t rub or pop s stye. Allow the eye stye to open on its own.

If you have eye stye don’t hesitate to contact the eye doctor for advice because in some cases stubborn stye may require surgical treatment. You can also talk to a professional doctor for eye stye or any health problem through the Instacare Application while sitting in the comfort of your home.