When the abnormal accumulation of fat present in the body is called Obesity. If the BMI of a person is over 25 then a person is an obese person. If you are obese and you want to reduce your weight book an appointment through InstaCare with the Endocrinologist.

What are the Causes of Obesity?

1.      Genetics is the cause of obesity that shows how your body process food into energy and stored in the form of fat.

2.      In older age muscle mass leads to a slow metabolic rate through which weight can easily gain.

3.      If you not getting enough sleep then you face hormonal changes that make you feel hungry further more overeating make the source of Obesity.

4.      During pregnancy, women lead to obesity due to hormonal changes in the body.

5.      In the Polycystic Ovary Syndrome condition, women face the obesity issue due to the disturbance of hormonal changes.

6.      After birth, some children face the Prader-Willi syndrome that causes excessive hunger which leads to obesity.

7.      In Cushing syndrome, the cortisol level is high which leads to obesity.

8.      In Hypothyroidism condition thyroid gland not producing enough hormones which causes obesity issue.

What are the Complications you face due to Obesity?

Health issues that can be caused through Obesity are given below:

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1.      Type 2 diabetes

Obesity makes your body resistant to insulin leads to high blood sugar which increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.

2.      Heart diseases

Obesity leads to high blood which can cause heart disease.

3.      Cancer

Obesity has been related to cancer of the Breast, Colon, Liver, and Kidney.

4.      Stroke

Obesity leads to high blood pressure which can become the cause of stroke.

5.      Gallbladder disease

Gallstones risk is increase due to obesity.

6.      Fatty liver disease

Due to obesity fat can build up around the liver leading to damage and liver failure.

7.      Breathing Issue

Obesity makes airways too small when your breath you’re breathing stops for a period of time at night.

8.      Muscles and Bone issue

Obesity effect your muscles and bone issue because due to overweight muscle mass and bone density leading to disability and fracture risk.

9.      Infertility

Obesity increases the risk of pregnancy complications.

10.  Joint Pain

Due to obesity excessive weight put on your joints causing pain and stiffness.

11.  Skinfold rashes

Obesity leads to discolored and thickened rashes that occur where the skin folds.

Why Female have a higher prevalence of obesity than Male Hormonal Imbalance Leads to Obesity?

Obesity causes different women health issues like increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, breast cancer, and infertility. One reason for the gender difference in obesity may be that fluctuations in reproductive hormone concentrations throughout women's lives uniquely predispose them to excess weight gain. Pregnancy also the main factor in the development of obesity. Factors that are associated with obesity during pregnancy including weight gain, ethnicity, dietary patterns, and the interval between pregnancies. Menopause is also a high-risk time for weight gain in women. Although the average woman gains 2-5 pounds during the menopausal transition, some women are at risk for greater weight gains. There is also a hormonally driven shift in body fat distribution from peripheral to abdominal at menopause, which may increase health risks in older women. Hormonal changes in female life increase the risk of obesity.


If you are facing an Obesity issue and you want to consult with the best Endocrinologist in Pakistan, through InstaCare or you can call on the helpline number: 0310 0002273