An apple is an edible fruit which is produced by apple is a crunchy, bright colored fruit, one of the most popular in the United States. You’ve heard that “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” many types of apples are grown in U.S., but small percentage of the ones you can buy in stores are imported. Each type of apple has a different color, shape etc. An apple can be sweet or sour. It contains antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber and nutrients.

Types of apples

There are many types of apples. Some popular apple varieties include: 

  • Red delicious: a crisp, juicy red apple 
  • Fuji: a sweet flesh, yellow and red apple with firm. 
  • Granny smith: a green apple with crisp, sharp flavor 
  • Golden delicious: a yellow apple with a mild, sweet flavor 

Benefits of apple

Apples are an incredibly nutritious fruit that offers multiple health benefits. They are rich in fiber. Eating them is linked to lower risk of many chronic conditions such as diabetes and cancer. Here are some benefits:


Apples are considered nutrient dense fruits; they provide a lot of nutrients per serving apples are the good source of fiber and vitamins C. They also contain antioxidants like vitamin E and polyphenols that contribute to fruits health benefits. Nutrients contains: 

  • Calories:104 
  • Carbs:28 g 
  • Fiber:5 g 
  • Vitamin K: 4% of the DV 
  • Potassium: 5% of the DV 

May support weight loss

Apples are very high in fiber and water, two of which make them fill. Their polyphenols may also have anti-obesity effects. Eating the whole apple increased feelings of fullness for up to 4 hours longer consuming equal amounts of puree or juice. This happened because the whole apple reduces gastric empty. 

Could be good for the heart

Apples promote heart health in several ways. They're high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They also have polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and Strock risk. 

Might help prevent cancer

Antioxidants in apples may offer beneficial effects against certain types of cancers, including lungs and breasts. However more research in humans is needed. 

View More: 6 Amazing Benefits Of Apple You Must Know About

May help protect your brain

Quercetin in apples may protect your brain against stress. However, Further research is needed to validate the effect of eating the whole fruit. 

Best time to eat apple

Apple is an immunity booster fruit. Apple should not be eaten on an empty stomach. This will cause constipation and bloating. You should eat either one hour after breakfast or one hour after lunch. Best time to eat apples is one hour after breakfast, Apples are fibrous and in morning it is easier for your stomach to digest. 

Worst time to eat apple

As the level of digestive acids decreases in the evening. Therefore, if you consume an apple after six PM then it may remain undigested in your stomach for longer time. This may result in stomach difficulties and sleeplessness. 

View More: 7 Surprising Benefits Of Pineapple Sexually

Eating apple in morning on empty stomach

You should have to eat an apple during morning hours due to the amount of pectin. Large numbers of people have digestive problems due to lack of sleep and bad eating habits. You must eat an apple during breakfast. 

Benefits of eating apple at right time

Benefits of eating apples in the morning are given below: 

  • It will help to reduce your weight 
  • Good for skin 
  • Helps in digestion of food 
  • Boost your immune system 
  • Reduce the feeling of stomach burning 
  • Strengthening the bones 
  • Keeps the liver fit 
  • It has anti-cancer properties 
  • Keeps your heart healthy 

Is it bad to eat apple at night

Yes, it is bad to eat apple at will cause multiple complications including obesity, cardiovascular issues and high blood will reduce your body’s ability to burn fat and higher the risk of cholesterol levels in the blood. 


Apple is a great choice for a healthful, low-fat, low-calorie snack. To receive the maximum health benefits from apples, eating the whole fruit including the skin is recommended. Apples are extremely healthy for you. Apples are enriched with nutrients and are a great way to stay healthy. Basically, fruits fiber content can support weight loss and intestinal health. 

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