Have you ever seen that black thing on your tooth that may give you goosebumps or a panic attack that you may lose your teeth soon? However, that does not happen in all cases, especially when you have an expert dentist at your back. But you need to know that somehow, somewhere you have neglected your oral hygiene that has resulted in tooth decay or a tooth cavity.

What is a Tooth Cavity?

Tooth cavities are areas in the dental cavity that are damaged permanently in the hard surface of the teeth, usually due to bacterial growth. They can lead to openings and holes. Cavities occur due to improper oral hygiene. Maintaining oral health is an essential part of the self-care routine. If you do not keep your oral cavity clean, it can lead to infections and cavities. Also, it can be more injurious to your health if you have diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. Keeping your oral cavity clean is a lifelong habit. The earlier you learn the importance of keeping your oral cavity clean, the more damage you can prevent to your teeth and overall health.

How Can You Maintain Oral Hygiene?

To maintain overall health, you must make a routine of frequent brushing, mouthwash, flossing, and limiting your sugar intake. The cleaner you will keep it, the more you will have to stay away from costly dental treatments and long-term health issues.

To keep your teeth and dental cavity clean, you must:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice, in the morning and at night, with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day
  • Decrease the overall sugar intake
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid smoking
  • Drink clean and fluoridated water

Cavities or tooth decay, if not treated earlier, can lead to severe toothache, infection, and abscess. To prevent that, you must maintain good oral hygiene. For that, you must follow all the above-mentioned tips.

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What are the Symptoms of Tooth Cavities?

The signs and symptoms of tooth cavities vary according to the extent and depth of their spread. At earlier stages, it may not show any bothersome symptoms. However, if it progresses, it may show the following signs and symptoms:

Tender areas, swelling, or ulcers in the mouth that do not heal in a week or two

  • Bleeding from gums after flossing or brushing
  • Loose teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Swollen gums
  • Sensitivity to cold or hot
  • Pain in teeth/ toothache
  • Pain with chewing or biting
  • Swelling of the face and cheek

If you having these symptoms and you want to consult with the best dentist in Islamabad book an appointment through InstaCare.

What are the Causes of Tooth Cavities?

Eating a diet rich in sugar is harmful to your oral cavity. Some of them are normal flora, while some of them are not. Sugar can become a residing place for acid-producing bacteria, which produce acid there. Eventually, that acid can destroy tooth enamel and cause oral cavities. Other causes of dental caries are;

  • Acid reflux, or heartburn
  • Frequent vomiting, due to the acid
  • Diabetes
  • The use of medications that reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth
  • Family history, or genetics
  • Certain infections, such as HIV or AIDS
  • Smoking
  • Poor brushing habits
  • Frequent snacking on sugary foods and drink
  • Hormonal changes in women

How Oral Health Affects General Health?

Oral hygiene affects your general health too. If too many bacteria grow in your oral cavity, they can enter your systemic circulation too. They can also infect the lining of your heart, causing endocarditis- inflammation of the heart lining. Oral bacterial infection can also be associated with heart diseases, low birth weight, and premature birth.


Maintaining oral health is an essential part of the self-care routine. If you do not keep your oral cavity clean, it can lead to infections and cavities. Also, it can be more injurious to your health if you have diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. If you have a complaint of tooth pain, you should visit the best dentist in Pakistan through InstaCare.