For many new parents, hearing their baby’s delighted laughter for the first time is a cherished moment. For centuries, humans have been fascinated with babies and their development — so it's no surprise that we're always looking to discover when they start laughing.

As you'll soon find out, there are actually certain milestones in which you can expect your little one to begin expressing joy in the form of hearty laughs! Read on as we explain exactly why and when babies start laughing and explore ways to get them giggling as often as possible.

When should your baby start to laugh?

Babies typically start laughing around 4-5 months old. It may seem too young for babies to show signs of humor, but babies are not too young to express joy in some way. At this age, babies will often laugh out loud when you make silly faces or sing and dance with them.

While babies at this age are not really aware of jokes or puns yet, they still pick up on positive emotions around them and will usually react with a bubbly laugh. It's truly a magical moment that parents cherish when babies start to fill their lives with laughter!

What makes babies laugh?

Babies start to laugh around 3 or 4 months of age and continue to laugh often for the rest of their lives. It's amazing! But why do babies laugh? Turns out, babies are quite easily stimulated and get a kick out of the silliest of things.

Their laughter can be triggered by someone making silly faces, funny noises or gestures, or even something as simple as a toy or an object with bright colors moving in front of them.

They also love social interactions such as being tickled, playing hide and seek, or sharing funny jokes. Even adults find babies' laughter infectious – so much so that babies can make us adults smile without us realizing it!

6 ways to make your baby laugh

1- Make silly faces and noises

Babies are naturally curious and love to explore new sights and sounds. Making silly faces and noises can be a great way to get a baby to laugh and engage with you.

2- Use toys and props

Using toys and props such as stuffed animals, baby-safe mirrors, or rattles can be a fun way to entertain and make your baby laugh.

3- Play peek-a-boo

This classic game is a favorite among babies and is sure to make them laugh. Cover your face with a blanket or your hands and reveal yourself with a big "peek-a-boo!"

4- Nose kisses

Nose kisses can be a playful and affectionate way to interact with a baby and make them laugh. Some babies may find the sensation of a nose kiss ticklish and giggle or laugh in response.

However, it's important to remember that every baby is different and may have their own preferences when it comes to physical touch. Some babies may find nose kisses uncomfortable or even dislike it. It's always best to pay attention to the baby's reaction and adjust accordingly.

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5- Gentle touches

Gentle touches are an important form of physical contact, not just for babies but for people of all ages. New research is discovering that babies start laughing when they are gently touched by a fellow human as early as 6 weeks old, while babies who are not often touched experience developmental delays.

Touch also reinforces positive behavior in older children and bonds family members through shared experiences. Therefore, it is important to show love and affection to babies, toddlers, children, and adults alike through gentle touches like hugs, pats on the back and high-fives. Special moments can be forged through physical gestures that many of us take for granted in our daily lives.

6- Blowing raspberries on baby’s belly

One of the cutest things babies do is laugh, and one tried and true way to get babies laughing is by blowing raspberries on their little tummies! As babies start to grow, blowing raspberries on their bellies can become a playful interaction between parent or caregiver and baby.

The silly interaction helps babies to learn about cause-and-effect relationships as they learn that when it occurs, it elicits a laugh. And who doesn’t love the sound of a baby’s laughter? Although babies can be laughed at/with very early in life (as young as 1 month), give babies plenty of time and space to adjust to this new sensation as some babies may even find it overwhelming.

Why do babies laugh in their sleep?

Babies can start laughing in their sleep from as early on as 4 months. Babies do not necessarily need a reason to laugh while they are asleep, it is simply a way babies express joy during periods of rest. Sleep is important for babies to grow, so this laughing could be associated with the joy babies experience when they channel into a peaceful state and free the mind of all worries.

While babies are developing and growing, it is likely that they make associations with different emotions during various parts of their day. It's possible that babies make connections between laughter and comfort in response to different positive stimuli they experience while they sleep, explaining why babies laugh so much while in this state.

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Why would a baby not laugh?

Babies often start laughing between 3 and 6 months of age. So why would a baby not laugh? Generally babies won't laugh if they're tired, hungry or ill. Other possible reasons may include feeling overwhelmed by too many people or simply not feeling comfortable enough to respond in that way.

Babies also need external stimulation such as tickles or funny sounds or faces to make them laugh, but babies will sometimes smile earlier than they laugh. It is important to build trust and secure attachment with babies so that they can learn additional ways to communicate through laughter.

A word from instacare

In conclusion, knowing how babies develop and when they start laughing can help parents find solutions if their baby isn't responding to typical baby games and activities. Parents should also do their best to provide plenty of playful activities for their baby during the fourth or fifth month in order to see this smiley developmental milestone firsthand.

As a reminder, it should take place around 4-5 months, but don’t panic if your child is slightly later or earlier than average, as some babies will laugh sooner and some later. All babies are different and each one finds different things hilarious! So keep encouraging those grins and belly laughs for precious memories with your little one – even before your little one is actually able to produce laughter on purpose.

And don't forget to take pictures - because you won't want to miss capturing the moment your sweet babe starts laughing! Babies typically start laughing around 4 to 5 months of age, so encourage time for play starting now for fun times ahead!

If you want to consult with the best pediatrician in Pakistan, book an appointment through InstaCare or you can call helpline number 0317-1777509 for assistance to find the right professional for your concerns.
