
Ansaid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (nsaid) used to relieve pain and inflammation. It is commonly known as a "tooth pain tablet in pakistan" and is a member of the nsaid medication class. It also exhibits excellent benefits when used to treat rheumatoid arthritis or osteoporosis-related discomfort.

Flurbiprofen is used to treat osteoarthritis (arthritis brought on by a breakdown of the lining of the joints) and rheumatoid arthritis pain, soreness, edema, and stiffness (arthritis caused by swelling of the lining of the joints). Flurbiprofen belongs to the group of drugs known as nsaids it works by preventing the body from producing a substance that causes pain, heat, and inflammation.

Uses of ansaid tablet

The ansaid tablet is used to treat osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. It can also be used to treat toothaches, menstrual pain, and other problems in the body that are specially brought on by inflammation.

Is used to lessen arthritis-related pain, edema, and stiffness in the joints. Moreover, it is used to treat a number of pain-related issues, including muscle pains, menstrual cramps, and tooth discomfort. A non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine is flurbiprofen (nsaid.

It works by stopping your body from making several naturally occurring inflammatory chemicals. This result aids in reducing discomfort and swelling. Ask your doctor about non-drug remedies and/or utilize alternative medications to relieve your pain if you are treating a chronic ailment like arthritis.

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Side effect of ansaid tablet

If you experience symptoms of an allergic response (sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, hives, wheezing or difficulty breathing, swelling in your face or throat), you should seek emergency medical attention ((fever, painful throat, burning eyes, discomfort in the skin, rash that is red or purple and blisters and peels).

If you experience any of the following symptoms of a heart attack or stroke: jaw or shoulder pain that spreads to your chest, sudden numbness or weakness on one side of your body, slurred speech, or feeling out of breath, get emergency medical attention.

Serious side effects from flurbiprofen are possible. If you have: stop taking flurbiprofen and contact your doctor right away. Important adverse effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Regional pain
  • Dark urine
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Itching
  • Fever
  • Coffee grounds laced with vomit
  • Stools in black
  • Bloody

 Risk and waning about ansaid tablet:

Heart conditions

The substances that protect the heart can be inhibited by the overuse of anesthetics. Users of the medication should proceed with extreme caution if they have heart disease or have recently experienced a heart attack.


When using ansaid, patients who already have hypertension or high blood pressure should take precautions. It causes the body to retain more water, which raises blood pressure—a bad factor for people who already have high blood pressure.

Ansaid allergy

 although there are many applications for ansaid tablets, many people are allergic to them and can experience a major allergic reaction that can be life-threatening and result in anaphylaxis.

Gastric ulcer

Ansaid, commonly known as dental pain medication in pakistan, contains inhibitors that prevent the body from producing compounds that protect the stomach lining. Before taking ansaid, people who have stomach ulcers already need to exercise caution.

Ansaid can also harm the stomach lining over time, leading to stomach ulcers.

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How to take ansaid tablet

When prescribed by your doctor, take this medication by mouth 2 to 4 times daily. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, take this drug with a full glass of water (8 ounces or 240 milliliters). Wait at least 10 minutes after taking this medication before lying down. If taking this medication causes you to feel queasy, try taking it with milk, food, or an antacid.

The dosage will be based on your medical condition and treatment response. Use this drug for the shortest amount of time and at the lowest effective dose to lower your risk of stomach bleeding and other side effects. Use this medication just as directed and never up the dosage, intensity, or duration of usage. Keep taking this medication as prescribed for persistent symptoms like arthritis. Describe the advantages and disadvantages to your doctor or pharmacist.

It may take up to 2 weeks of consistent use of this medication for some illnesses (like arthritis) before you experience the full benefits.

Special precaution of before taking ansaid tablet

  • If you have any drug allergies, including to aspirin, ibuprofen (advil, motrin), naproxen (aleve), or any of the substances in flurbiprofen tablets, let your doctor and pharmacist know.
  • Inform your physician if you now have or have ever had asthma, particularly if you also suffer from frequent stuffy or runny nose, nasal polyps (swelling of the nasal lining), heart failure, swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs, or liver or kidney problems.
  • Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, intend to get pregnant, or are breastfeeding a baby. If flurbiprofen is consumed after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it may harm the fetus and complicate delivery. Avoid taking flurbiprofen at 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Drug interaction of ansaid tablet with other medicine

It is quite likely that ansaid will interact with other medications. Due to the possibility of drug interactions with other medications, you shouldn't attempt self-medication. Always be sure to let your healthcare professional know what medications you are taking.

The following medicines interact with ansaid:

  • Aspirin
  • Antacids
  • Supplements with potassium
  • Furosemide
  • Ace inhibitors such as fosinopril, enalapril, and captopril.
  • Grapefruit juice
  • Lithium

What does ansaid cost in pakistan?

Ansaid costs rs. 8 per tablet at sale in pakistan

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