The main symptom of this condition is water retention, and signifies the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. Water retention is the primary cause of swelling in parts of the body such as legs, feet, ankles, under the eyes, etc.  It occurs due to many reasons: overloading with salt, alcohol intake, a reduced fiber content in the diet and insulin resistance in the case of consumption of nutrient-poor food, several side effects of certain medications, and a sedentary lifestyle.


As a result of water retention one can experience a kind of swelling in legs, inflammation and significant bloating. 

All these symptoms are really important and you shouldn’t just ignore them. They are nature’s way of telling us whether we have gotten poorly, came across some injuries or the cause of toxins build up is a deficit of a certain fiber in our system. Some foods might cause “water retention,” attributable to too much combination, and lead to inflammation. As an instance, when adding fruits, vegetables and grains to your meal plate, your abdomen might become bloated and swollen.


Foods That Cause Water Retention In Our Body

Due to the fact, certain foods can assist the body in storing water. These eatables can be responsible for the increased inflammation or they may just disrupt the proper functions of the body that is usually directed to getting rid of extra fluid. Foods that can cause the body to hold on to water include:


1. Water Is Best, Avoid Coffee Or Tea

Even though it might not be your first choice, you need to drink a lot of water to keep hydrated and reduce fluid retention. If you are concerned that your system has more water than it needs, there may be more to the issue than just cutting back on water intake. While many water-based beverages appear to function as natural diuretics, increasing the output of urine, they may upset your fluid balance and cause fluid accumulation in other body regions. For instance, avoid using coffee and alcohol!


2. Fruits Mixed With Grains And Vegetables

The worst foods for water retention include fruits, veggies, and grains. After eating fruit, we should wait two hours before eating anything else. Not even in traditional Indian medicine such as Ayurveda is it advised to eat fruit after a meal. When we mix all of the above without thinking, our bodies inflate and bloat because fruits digest more quickly than veggies and grains. We can experience edema and inflation when we follow an improper diet. The combination of fruits and vegetables may cause inflammation, according to a Nutrient st



3. White Flour, Sugar, And Oil

Among the foods that induce water retention include sugar, white wheat, and oil. As a result of their refinement, the most intelligent component—fiber—is absent. Fiber facilitates the work of our kidneys and intestines and helps control a number of internal organ functions, including excretion and digestion. One of the main causes of edema might possibly be constipation from a diet high in processed foods. This research indicates that constipation may result from consuming insufficient amounts of fiber, as reported in the World Journal of Gastroenterology.


4. Meat

The high saturated fat content of meat, especially red meat, causes indigestion, which in turn causes edema. Growth hormones, pus cells, and antibiotics found in milk are not intended for human consumption, but rather for the growth of infant calves. Dairy cows get these injections. 36 percent of Americans have lactose malabsorption, or the inability to absorb lactose, according to a research published in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

According to one research, 60% of people are truly genetically lactose intolerant and cannot properly digest cow milk. We may not be aware of our allergies, but symptoms like bloating, swelling, indigestion, and acne all be signs. We find it hard to accept the possibility that the swelling and inflammation we may be feeling may be related to the milk we value so highly in our diets as we have been socialized to think of it as the most significant food in the world.


5. Dairy Products, Such As Milk, Cheese, And Yogurt

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and yogurt, are high in calcium and other vital minerals, but they can also make some people retain more water in their bodies. The sugar lactose, which is included in dairy products, might be difficult for certain individuals to digest. Dairy products can cause bloating, gas, and water retention in people who are lactose intolerant or sensitive. To make matters worse, several dairy products—especially processed ones like cheese spreads and flavored yogurts—may also have additional sugars and salt. Choosing plant-based or lactose-free substitutes can assist those who are sensitive to dairy products retain less water.


View More: 12 Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

6. Salty Foods

Convenience foods that are rich in sodium, such as chips, pretzels, and salted almonds, are popular but might cause water retention. Frequent consumption of these snacks might raise the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disorders as well as cause chronic fluid retention. Additionally, salty snacks frequently have low nutritional content and high calorie content, which is detrimental to general health. Selecting more healthful substitutes such as air-popped popcorn, unsalted almonds, or fresh produce can aid in lowering water retention and improving general health.


How Water Minimize Retention Further?

In addition to consuming diuretic meals, there are a few additional things you may do to assist eliminate water retention overnight, such as:



One of the best short-term remedies for water retention is exercise. Sweating is how your body lets go of fluids while you exercise. This lessens the volume of water that your body is holding on to.

Exercise can also aid in enhancing lymphatic drainage and circulation. These two effects can both aid in lessening the appearance of bloating and swelling.


Increase Your Sleep

Not only is enough sleep beneficial to general health, but it also has the potential to lessen water retention. Cortisol is a hormone that your body releases when you do not get enough sleep. The body may retain water as a result of this (10).


Control Your Stress

Prolonged stress can be a factor in many health issues, including the retention of water in the body. Your body releases cortisol when you are under stress. As discussed before, the body may retain water while under the influence of cortisol. It is therefore crucial to control stress if you want to lessen water retention. You can attempt a range of various stress-reduction methods, including deep breathing, yoga, and meditation.


Consume A Lot Of Water

Drinking lots of water is one of the greatest ways to prevent water retention, despite the fact that it may seem paradoxical. Your body will not retain water if you are well hydrated. Therefore, make sure you drink enough water throughout the day if you want to decrease water retention. The average adult needs about eight glasses a day.



Numerous variables, including hormones, drugs, and certain medical disorders, might contribute to water retention. Modifying one's diet, exercising, and managing stress are just a few strategies to lessen water retention. Limit your salt intake and drink lots of fluids if your objective is to lessen water retention.


Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.