Gaining muscle mass can be challenging for men, especially if they’re struggling with time constraints or a hectic lifestyle. However, there are certain foods that have been scientifically proven to help build muscle in a shorter period of time.

Not only will these foods add more protein and fiber into your diet, but they also provide other essential vitamins and minerals that are important for getting the most out of your workouts. In this blog post we will explore 7 science-backed superfoods that can give any man an added edge to his fitness routine and max-out their gains!

7 Best Foods That Help To Gain Muscle Mass

1- Eggs

Eggs are a great food to add to your diet if you're looking to gain muscle mass. They contain quality sources of protein and good fats that can help support an active lifestyle, giving you the energy you need for a productive workout. In addition, eggs have vitamins and minerals that assist in cellular growth and enzyme production.

A single egg can also provide up to 6 grams of protein – as much protein as is found in one ounce of lean beef or chicken. With all these attributes, it's no wonder eggs are a staple in foods that help you build muscle mass!

2- Turkey and chicken

When selecting foods that will help you gain muscle mass, turkey and chicken are great options. These proteins are jam-packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B, iron, zinc, phosphorus and potassium. Furthermore, these proteins are lower in fat than beef or pork, which makes them ideal for weight loss diets as well.

Not to mention they contain plenty of lean protein which is the key nutrient in helping the body build muscle. So if you’re looking to add more muscle mass to your physique, adding some regular servings of turkey and chicken to your diet may just be the way to go!

3- Beans

Beans are a great source of plant-based protein and an excellent option for best foods that help you gain muscle mass. Just half a cup of beans contain about seven grams of protein, rich in essential amino acids needed for muscle growth and repair. Plus, with their high fiber content, beans help to keep you full and energized all day long.

Beans are highly versatile, as they come in many varieties like black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, navy beans and cannellini beans to name just a few. When looking to add more than just meat to your meals, keep in mind that beans can be used in a wide range of dishes such as dips, salads or soups.

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4- Chicken breast

Chicken breast is a top choice for many athletes and fitness-minded individuals looking to build muscle mass. It's loaded with lean protein, low in fat, and packs essential vitamins like Vitamin B3 and B6 which help to increase energy production. Chicken breast is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that helps you sleep better and reduces stress levels.

Additionally, it's one of the best foods that help you gain muscle mass as it has branch chain amino acids (BCAAs), which have been found to help with muscular growth and repairing muscle tissues. In short, chicken breast provides plenty of health benefits for those looking to get stronger and build muscle quickly.

5- Protein powders

Protein powders are one of the best foods that help you gain muscle mass. It's best to consume protein powder after a workout as it helps boost muscle growth and repair. Protein powders come in many flavors and can be blended into smoothies or shakes.

It's also an excellent option for people who lead busy lifestyles as it's easy to mix and requires little time to make. With an increasing number of plant-based options, protein powders are an ideal source of protein if you're trying to switch up your routine away from traditional meats and dairy products.

6- Brown rice

Brown rice is renowned for being one of the best foods that can help you gain muscle mass. It's a whole grain packed with nutrients like protein, dietary fiber, and manganese. Brown rice contains all of the essential amino acids necessary for muscle development, making it an ideal choice for those who are looking to increase their muscle mass.

Additionally, its low fat content means that it can provide a lean source of carbohydrates. Since brown rice is best consumed cooked as opposed to raw, it can easily be added to just about any meal from stir-fry to casseroles and even sweet dishes such as Rice Krispie treats! Try incorporating brown rice into your daily diet and reap the benefits of increased muscle mass in no time.

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7- Quinoa

Quinoa, one of the best foods for gaining muscle mass, is an excellent source of plant-based protein. It contains all nine essential amino acids that are necessary to build and maintain muscle, as well as high levels of fiber and complex carbohydrates to help provide long-term energy benefits.

Quinoa provides a great nutritional balance for athletes and bodybuilders who want to optimize their diet for muscle growth. Consuming it regularly has been known to promote faster post-workout recovery times, aiding with strength gains. Quinoa is best enjoyed steamed or boiled, seasoned with spices and herbs instead of fats or oils - this makes it a great healthy alternative!



Eating nutrient-rich foods is essential for successful muscle gain. Making sure you have adequate protein intake, as well as incorporating fiber and healthy fats into your dietary plan, will set you up for success. The seven foods suggested above are excellent sources of nutrients that are all essential to building lean muscle mass and can help with the process of weight-lifting.

With all that knowledge in hand, take the step: start incorporating these tips and tools into your lifestyle and make a commitment to more time at the gym for significant muscle gains. Gaining muscle mass can be a challenge for men, especially if they’re struggling, but with consistent effort and proper nutrition their goals will be within reach.

Eat right, compliment it with exercise and watch your body transform. Focus on the basics—dietary consistency, an exercise plan tailored to meet desired outcomes, and dedication to a healthier self—for undeniable growth. Go out there and get after it!

Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.
