
Gynosporin cream is used to treat any fungus-related skin diseases, including vulvar infections. It is also used in combination with other medications to treat vaginal infections. By putting it to the partner's penis, it can help stop reinfection from occurring. Fungal infections of the middle ear and outer ear can also be treated with gynosporin solution. This medication prevents the synthesis of a chemical in the fungi's cell membranes. It could cause structural and functional problems in fungi.


How efficient is gynosporin?

The active ingredient in gynosporin 35g cream is clotrimazole, a member of the class of drugs known as azole antifungals. Gynosporin's efficacy is demonstrated by its ability to inhibit the development of the infection-causing fungus. The effects of burning and itching in the vaginal area are also lessened with gynosporin. Gynosporin only works to treat vaginal yeast infections; it has no impact on bacterial infections.


Uses of gynosporin cream

Gynosporin cream is frequently used in the vagina to treat bacterial and fungal infections. It is commonly used to treat problems, including yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and vulvovaginitis. Clotrimazole is the cream's active component, collaborating to treat both bacterial and fungal diseases. Clotrimazole is an antifungal medicine that helps to eradicate the fungus. Gynosporin cream can treat infections and symptoms, including burning, itching, and inflammation in the vaginal region.

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Gynosporin, an antifungal, is a kind of medication. A class of drugs known as antifungals are used to treat a variety of fungal skin and body diseases, such as ringworm, athlete's foot, and vaginal candidiasis. These drugs disrupt the fungal cell membrane, which restricts the development of various fungi.


When to avoid

Use if you are not allergic (hypersensitive) to cetostearyl alcohol, clotrimazole, or other components.


What side effects may gynosporin cream cause?

Among the frequent adverse effects of gynosporin are:

  • Vaginal
  • Lower abdominal
  • Itching/pain
  • Burning in the urethra

See your pharmacist or physician immediately if any symptoms appear or get worse for you.


Gynosporin cream is typically safe to use; however, just as with any drug, there are specific safety considerations you should be aware of. The following are some safety considerations to observe when using a lotion containing gynosporin:

  • If you react to any of the substances in gynosporin cream, avoid using it.
  • Tell your doctor about all of your current medical problems and the drugs you're taking before using gynosporin cream.
  • Gynosporin cream is only to be used externally; it must not be consumed.
  • Never use gynosporin cream if you are expecting or nursing a baby without first talking to your doctor.
  • When using gynosporin lotion, stay away from tampons and other vaginal items.
  • Stop using the drug and get medical help immediately if you suffer serious adverse effects, such as rash, hives, or breathing difficulties.
  • Even if your symptoms get better before the therapy is over, it's still necessary to continue the entire course of treatment.


Using barrier contraceptives while taking this medication is not recommended (condoms, spermicides, cervical caps).


Product description

Manufactured by: nabiqasim industries (pvt) ltd

Mrp: Rs.129 

The best way to apply cream?

Read the instructions on the product box before using the over-the-counter remedy if you choose to self-treat. Ask your pharmacist any queries you may have. Use this medicine as instructed if your doctor has prescribed it.

The patient information booklet that comes with this product should be read. In case you have any questions, speak with your physician or pharmacist.

The only usage of this product is vaginal. Both before and after using, wash your hands. Keep this product away from your eyes. If it gets in your eyes, immediately rinse them well with water. If eye inflammation continues, contact your doctor.

If using a vaginal cream, fill the applicator with the cream as directed on the packaging. Bring your legs up to your chest when you lay on your back. One applicator of cream should be inserted into the vagina as far as it will comfortably go. To apply the cream, gradually press the applicator's plunger in. Do not apply a skin cream on the exterior vaginal part of the body; instead, use the appropriate cream within the vagina (vulva).

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Adverse drug reactions

Oral tacrolimus and sirolimus.


The dosage is determined by health status and treatment response. Depending on the product used, take medicine once daily at bedtime for 1 to 7 nights or as the doctor has prescribed.


Recommended: a thin coating of gynosporin should be administered and gently massaged to the afflicted region 2-3 times daily.


12 years.



Gynosporin cream, 10 g tube, and solution should be kept below or at 25°c (77°f). There are no particular storage requirements for the 20 g tube. Keep children and pets away from this medication.


When taking clotrimazole, alcohol use should be restricted or avoided.

When feeling better, stop using this medication.

The medication must be used for the duration recommended. If it stops sooner, the infection can come back.

Is it okay to take this medication during the period?

While menstruation, do not use this medication (on period). Please speak with your doctor if you need further details.

What sort of attire should i wear after taking this medication?

Wearing loose cotton clothing will help prevent additional irritation of the region.


Does the use of condoms conflict with this medication?

The condom may become less effective if you take this medication. If you use this medication, please talk to your doctor about alternate birth control methods.

Will it sting when using the cream?

This cream may sting, irritate, or burn where it is administered. Please get in touch with your prescriber very away if this occurs.

Final thoughts

Gynosporin cream should only be used under a doctor's supervision. Even if your symptoms subside before the course of therapy is finished, it is crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage and complete the whole regimen. You should also take the required precautions, such as refraining from using vaginal products and telling your doctor about any medical issues or drugs you are taking.

In general, gynosporin cream works well to cure vaginal infections and alleviate their symptoms. To decide on the best course of action, it is crucial to speak with your healthcare professional if you think you could have a vaginal infection. If your problem does not improve after 3 days or persists for more than 7 days, let your doctor know. If your infection returns within two months, let your doctor know. To treat your disease, you might require a different or extra drug.

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