Honey is a well-known natural sweetener enjoyed in tea or on warm toast. But honey is more than just a tasty ingredient for sweetening your day. Traditional healers and physicians have been using honey as a natural cure for generations. During the wars, egyptians, greeks, and field doctors used honey in their medical supplies.

Scientists have recently begun investigating whether these traditional honey uses have merit in today's modern first aid kit. One of the things they've discovered is that not all honey is created equal. Honey has different antibacterial and antioxidant properties depending on the bees pollinated flowers.

The properties of honey vary depending on the flowers from which the bees collect nectar. Although the size and number of research studies are still small, there are some promising signs that new zealand manuka honey is unique.

What exactly is manuka honey?

Manuka honey is the honey for which new zealand is famous. Bees collect nectar from the white-pink flowers of our native manuka tree to make manuka honey used in traditional mori healing.

Rongo mori

Rongo mori, the new zealand manuka tree, is thought to have some exceptional properties in maori traditional healing, and all parts of the tree were used - bark, leaves, flowers, and honey.

Are the traditional manuka tree properties visible in manuka honey?

All honey contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phenolic acids, and flavonoids, which are thought to be responsible for the traditional benefits. Manuka honey, on the other hand, has a unique flavour.

Before scientists figured out precisely what manuka honey made it so special, they dubbed it the "unique manuka factor," or umf. Some brands of manuka honey may have a umf rating. Following further investigation, they discovered that the unique property that may make manuka honey a true superfood is a compound known as methylglyoxal (mgo). It has been demonstrated that mgo limits bacterial growth and can aid in reducing inflammation. Benefits of manuka honey in our daily life!

1- Healing of wounds

Manuka honey supports wound healing. It has been used on skin dressings for wounds, ulcers, and burns for centuries. Mgo and hydrogen peroxide have been shown to inhibit the growth of some bacteria found in wounds when applied to the skin.

According to research, these compounds may also reduce inflammation, increase oxygen supply to the wound, and increase cells that build the structure for new tissue growth.

2- Coughs and sore throats

Many winter wellness products contain manuka honey, such as throat lozenges and sprays. All types of love are recommended to soothe and calm sore throats and coughs in children and adults over five.

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3- Boost immune system

Premium manuka honey's immunity-boosting properties aid in maintaining digestive health due to its exceptional antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-infective, and antioxidant properties, as well as increasing natural energy and boosting our immune system.

4- Promoting oral health

Manuka honey has shown promise in terms of its ability to improve oral health. According to research, manuka honey may be beneficial for;

  • Getting rid of plaque
  • Getting rid of gingivitis
  • Keeping oral bacteria away from the teeth and gums
  • Getting rid of bad breath
  • Keeping your teeth and gums healthy
  • Manuka honey is also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it an effective tool for improving oral health.

5- Enhancing digestive health

Manuka honey can help reduce digestive inflammation, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal issues.

Furthermore, manuka honey can aid in the healing of ulcers and the reduction of bacterial overgrowth in the stomach, thus improving overall digestive health. Manuka honey can be consumed directly or mixed into foods and beverages to reap its benefits.

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6- Skin health benefits

  • Manuka honey is high in proteins, minerals, vitamins, and methylglyoxal, a compound with distinctive properties. Manuka honey is an excellent ingredient for skin care.
  • Studies have shown manuka honey to help reduce acne, balance skin moisture levels, reduce wrinkle appearance, and provide overall skin nourishment.
  • Manuka honey is a natural and safe way to improve skin health and provide a naturally glowing complexion.


Manuka honey is a distinct type of honey with numerous health benefits. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties also that can help improve skin, digestive, and immune system health. It can also help with oral health and may help with wound healing. Manuka honey is an excellent addition to any diet or lifestyle, and its numerous health benefits make it a perfect choice for those looking to improve their overall health.

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/honey-manuka-benefits