Life can be stressful in so many ways, and learning how to deal with difficult emotions like anger or frustration is essential for everyone. Whether you’re a man dealing with workplace stressors, a woman struggling to manage family pressures, or just looking for ways to take better control of your wellbeing, understanding practical strategies for controlling anger and reducing stress is key. In this blog post we’ll discuss seven techniques that can help both men and women cope with their negative emotions and get back on an even keel. From relaxation activities to exercise options and the importance of self-care; read on as we share our top 7 tips for taking greater control over anger and successfully managing life's stresses.

1- Identify the situations that tend to cause you to feel angry or stressed

Everyone experiences situations that can lead to heightened levels of stress and anger. Common triggers like being stuck in traffic, feeling overwhelmed by work or family obligations, or dealing with an argumentative person can all lead to strong emotions. While it is impossible to completely eliminate these situations from our lives, there are ways to keep them from causing us excessive distress. Practicing mindful breathing, engaging in regular exercise or meditation, and taking a break when feeling frustrated are some of the best ways to manage how we react in potentially stressful scenarios. By learning how to control our anger and stress levels, we can make sure that any situation, no matter how overwhelming it may seem at first, won’t have a lasting effect on how we feel.

2- Take a few deep breaths and relax your body muscles

Taking a few deep breaths can be an incredibly powerful tool in how to control anger. As you take each deep breath, inhale and exhale slowly, focusing on your breath and how it moves through your body. As you focus solely on the breathing process, your muscles will begin to relax and your emotions will start to become more regulated. Deep breathing can help provide an additional sense of calm and control during emotionally-charged moments, allowing you more clarity in how best to respond to any given situation.

3- Count to 10 (or 20) before reacting to stressful situations

Controlling how you react to a difficult situation is paramount. Counting to 10 (or 20) and taking some deep breaths can be incredibly helpful when you are feeling angry or frustrated. This technique allows you more time to think through how to respond before automatically reacting in an emotionally charged way. Taking a few moments to pause, breathe, and count can help give yourself the necessary space needed so that how you choose to react will be authentic and constructive. Incorporating this simple habit into your routine is an effective way of getting better at how to control anger in tough times.

4- Take a break if you feel like you're about to lose control

Taking a break when you feel like you might lose control of your emotions is an important skill to have. The best way to learn how to control anger is by recognizing the signs that it's starting to take over. It might start out as just feeling frustrated or impatient, so it's important to acknowledge how you're feeling and ask yourself if taking a break would help. Doing something calming like walking, listening to music, or reading can put distance between you and what initially made you angry, allowing you time to regain control of your emotions.

5- Talk to someone about what's stressing you out - sometimes it helps to get things off your chest

Talking to someone about how you're feeling can be a great way to deal with stress. It might be a friend, family member or even a professional counsellor - anyone you trust who listens without judgement can make all the difference when it comes to getting things off your chest. Not only will it help you vent your feelings, but having an outside perspective could also give you an improved perspective on how to best control your anger. Making sure that whatever conversation you have is in complete confidence sets the perfect atmosphere for letting off steam and allowing yourself to de-stress and rid yourself of the heavy burden built up from negative thoughts and emotions.

6- Exercise regularly and eat healthy foods for better overall moods

Taking the time to exercise regularly and eat healthy foods can have a positive impact on how we control our emotions, particularly when it comes to anger. We all experience bursts of frustration and fury from time to time, but establishing these wellness habits in our daily lives allows us to better cope so that our anger does not become overpowering or destructive. Regular exercise increases serotonin and dopamine levels, both of which are linked to how we feel emotionally, while eating nutritious food helps maintain balanced moods and promotes better sleep quality. Together they set the stage for how we manage stressful situations and how quickly and effectively we can move through them.

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7- Identify possible solutions

Controlling anger can be a difficult task when emotions are running high, however, there are several steps that can be taken to help reduce those feelings. For example, taking a few deep breaths and counting to ten before reacting can help regulate emotion and keep things from escalating needlessly. Additionally, walking away or removing oneself from the situation is beneficial as it allows for time to cool down and put things into perspective. COMMUNICATION is essential; expressing how someone feels in an assertive and respectful manner keeps feelings from being misconstrued. Finally, seeking professional help such as counseling or therapy has been known to provide insight and strategies for how to handle anger more constructively. All of these measures represent potential solutions for how to control anger in a safe and meaningful way.


No one technique will work for every person in every situation. The key is to find the ones that work best for you and commit to using them regularly. Remember, it takes time and practice to master these skills. Be patient with yourself and keep at it! With a little bit of effort, you'll be on your way to reducing stress and anger in no time. Do you have any other techniques that help you control anger or reduce stress? Share them with us in the comments below!

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