Hyderquin plus cream is a topical medication for skin lightening and treating dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and melisma. This cream is intended to temporarily treat mild to moderate melasma (brown and grey areas) on the face. It can aid with eczema, allergy, dermatitis-related swelling, redness, and itching. Those who experience acne vulgaris, wrinkles, or rough skin on their faces may occasionally benefit from using hyderquin plus. Three different medications are combined in hyderquin plus.

Product description

Manufacturer: atco laboratories (pvt) ltd

Country of origin: Pakistan

Product form: cream

Generic category: depigmenting agent

Ingredients: hydroquinone, tretinoin, and fluocinolone acetonid

Strength: 15gm

Pack size: 15g

Price: rs.139

Route of administration: external

Uses of hyderquin plus

A skin-lightening chemical called hyderquin prevents the skin's natural generation of melanin, giving it its colour. Melasma, age spots, and other types of hyperpigmentation are among the ailments it successfully addresses.

In as little as four to six weeks of treatment, hydroquinone and tretinoin can yield noticeable benefits when combined. The severity of the problem being treated, the person's skin type, and adherence to the suggested treatment plan all affect how the treatments turn out.

To reduce the danger of adverse effects, following the manufacturer's instructions when using hyderquin plus cream and preventing abuse or extended usage is crucial. Consult your healthcare practitioner for any worries or queries regarding using this drug or the expected outcomes.

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How does it work?

Tretinoin, a vitamin a derivative, accelerates cell renewal and encourages dead skin cells' exfoliation. This aids in enhancing the skin's tone and texture, minimising wrinkles and fine lines, and lightening dark spots.



Hyderquin plus lotion for the skin has the following advantages:

  • Reduces hyperpigmentation: the potent skin-lightening chemical hydroquinone lowers the skin's melanin production. It works well to lessen hyperpigmentation brought on by hormone fluctuations, skin injuries, or sun exposure.
  •  Enhances skin texture: tretinoin, a vitamin a derivative, encourages skin cell renewal and increases collagen formation. This contributes to the skin's improvement in smoothness and tone, giving it a more youthful appearance.
  •  Reduces inflammation: the powerful anti-inflammatory compound mometasone furoate aids in reducing skin irritation and redness. Because of this, it works well in treating skin disorders, including rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema.

Efficacy of hyderquin plus

The usage of hyderquin plus cream varies depending on the skin state. The three drugs that make up its active constituents are tretinoin, fluocinolone acetonide, and hydroquinone. As it reduces the formation and breakdown of melanosomes, the bleaching chemical hydroquinone aids in controlling the skin's colour. A corticosteroid called fluocinolone acetonide reduces swelling and redness in a specific skin area. Tretinoin, a retinoid, the third ingredient in hyderquin plus, works by whitening skin and regenerating new skin to replace old skin. Moreover, it has a mechanism that encourages skin cornification.

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Two doses of hyderquin plus 15g per day are permitted. If you are 12 or older, apply a thin coating of hyderquin plus 15g twice a day.

It is not advised to administer hyderquin plus 15g to youngsters (11 or younger).

Side effects of hyderquin plus

Hyderquin plus cream might have adverse effects, just like any drug. This cream's typical adverse effects include the following:

  •  Itching, redness, and skin irritation.
  • Peeling and dryness of the skin.
  • The feeling of burning or stinging where the treatment was made.
  • Heightened susceptibility to sunlight.
  • Hives, rashes, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or neck are examples of allergic responses. 

Occasionally, more severe adverse effects from using hyderquin plus cream include:

  • Skin discolouration, mainly if used repeatedly.
  • Skin that is leaking, crusting, or blistering.
  • Skin atrophy or thinning.
  • Excessive hair loss or growth.


Following a few guidelines while applying hyderquin plus cream or any other topical treatment is crucial to ensure its safety and efficacy. These are some safety measures to remember:

  • Always check with your doctor or dermatologist before using the cream to ensure that it is safe for you to use and to establish the right amount to apply and how long to leave it on.
  • Follow the directions on the label and those from your doctor or pharmacist at all times.
  • Hyderquin plus cream should not be applied to cracked or inflamed skin since it may irritate the area or have other negative effects.
  • Use of hyderquin plus cream on freshly waxed or shaved skin should be avoided as this may increase the likelihood of irritation.
  • Use the cream well away from your mouth, nose, and eyes, and keep it from going in your mouth or eyes.
  • Rinse with water thoroughly if this occurs.
  • Stop using the cream immediately and see your doctor if you have any skin rashes or allergic reactions.
  • Since hydroquinone and tretinoin may make your skin more sensitive to sunlight throughout therapy, avoid exposure to natural or artificial uv radiation.
  • Employ a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an spf of 30 or higher while applying the cream, and reapply as necessary.
  • Store the cream in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight or heat, out of the reach of children and dogs.


No concrete information has been given up until this point. Hence, use it with caution.


Before using this medication while nursing, please consult with your physician.


Is it also employed as a lotion for skin fairness?

Sure, it is, but only when a dermatologist recommends it.

Does it result in the pigmentation being wholly cured?

This medication improves the state of the skin; it does not cure.

How often should it be applied?

Thirty minutes before bedtime once a day or as prescribed by your doctor.

Final thoughts

Hyperpigmentation, melasma, freckles, and dark spots can all be treated with the use of the cream hyderquin plus. It also contains the active components hydroquinone, tretinoin, and mometasone to lessen skin discolouration and enhance skin texture. The cream may help treat specific problems, but using it under a doctor's supervision and taking the necessary safety precautions to prevent side effects is crucial. Hyderquin plus cream can, in general, be a practical choice for treating skin discolouration, but a doctor or dermatologist should closely oversee the usage of this product.

 You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 03171777509 for further information.

Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/hyderquin-plus-cream-uses-side-effects-and-price-in-pakistan