
Ors is an oral lyophilized–containing admixture of glucose sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and sodium citrate. After being dissolved in the needful volume of water they are intended for the prevention and treatment of deficiency due to diarrhea, including conservation remedy.

Uses of Ors

Ors benefits

Here is all we need to know about ors benefits for health.

1- fights diarrhea 

Diarrhea is a common health condition that is characterized by frequent bowel movements and loose stir. Numerous people also witness symptoms similar as abdominal pain and loss of huge quantities of water from their bodies. Despite, drinking ors can help to fight the acute form of diarrhea. It helps to recapture the electrolyte balance that gets disturbed as a result of acute diarrhea. 

The good part is that diarrhea is generally a short-lived condition that gets better with good hydration and consumption of the right foods.

2- good for dehydration

Your body needs the latency of water to execute its functions right. In case of dehumidification, your body functions start getting compromised. There are multitudinous complications associated with dehumidification analogues as urinary tract infections (utis), renal kernel deposit and heat prostration. When your body removes inordinate water, this eventually results in dehydration. Ors helps to scuffle dehumidification by boosting the engrossment of water by the small intestine. It indeed results in advanced water consumption due to added flavors.

3- improved energy levels

Provision like diarrhea can also culminate in low vitality levels making you feel languor and culminating in vitiation. The obstacle is real because you are not engrossing energy-rich foods that can keep you going. Low vitality levels can even make you go woozy and feel groggy. Ors water can dwindle languor and can make you feel dynamic and active by refilling the lost salts from your body.

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4- beneficial for athletes

Vivid substantial activity is corresponding with heavy clammy. This is a humongous obstacle for contender. In this receptacle, expenditure of ors water can succor them feel surpassing and this is even exactly proven. So, when you are clouting a gym ors water can be a good prime subsequently. 


5- improved motor function

Your target and cognoscible operation enormously gamble upon your water expenditure. This is exclusively essential after an athletic episode. An oral hydrating elucidation such as ors can succor to progress your motor operation by giving your body the exceptional measure of electrolytes and water that your body needs.

6- other uses of ors

Ors is not only for dehumidification but there are other advantages too. Here is all you essential to know about the other advantages of ors water. 

  • It can progress your response. This is because your body essential a congenial magnitude of water for the yielding of feel-good hormones, as serotonin. So, yes it can help you get rid of peevishness and can make you feel congenial.
  • Ors is also good for your oral tonicity especially after you be affected from relentless diarrhea that can make your gums parched.
  • It is also good for patients be affecting from hypoglycemia. 
  • A general practitioner may also prescribe ors in case of decreased urinary production. 
  • Other medical conditions such as liver diseases, urine acidity and hepatitis also get progressed with the use of ors.

Drug interactions

  • Angiotensin novicing enzymes (ace) forestalling and potassium addendum
  • Angiotensin novicing enzymes (ace) forestalling and spironolactone
  • Digoxin and amiodarone
  • Digoxin and verapamil
  • Theophylline and quinolones
  • Warfarin and macrolides.
  • Sodium bicarbonate hikes exudation of lithium, culminating in a enfeeble plasma-lithium concentration.
  • Potassium chloride ace forestalling (hyperkalemia); cyclosporin (increased risk of hyperkalemia); potassium sparing diuretics where hyperkalemia may result. No known interactions to other actives. 

Disease interactions

There are petty cathartic provisions in which ors is not safe to take, the cathartic provisions are given below,

  • Renal failure
  • Bulimic children
  • Shock
  • Coma
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Cirrhosis of the liver

Side effects of ors

Oral rehydration remedy is trifled to formalize electrolyte precise. Still, if the result isn’t prepared or habituated directly, it can cause salt toxicity. This is also known as hypernatremia. Acedemic side effects include:

  • nausea
  • puking
  • feebleness
  • loss of zest
  • fluster
  • Severe keenness
  • Order desolation
  • Accretion of sodium in the body (indicated by fast heart estimate, muscle jarring and high blood pressure)
  • Plush of bases
  • Overdose iso-bibulous encumber is managed by confining sodium, potassium, and water input plus frequence to increase renal sodium, potassium and water affair by using “circle diuretics” (e.g., frusemide).
  • The following adverse fallout have been reported although further generally following inordinate quantities: hypernatremia, edema, nausea, puking, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, thirst, reduced expectoration, lachrymation, sweating, fever, tachycardia, renal failure, respiratory arrest, hassle, giddiness, restlessness, perversity, frailness, muscular shuddering, coma, storms, hyperkalemia, gastrointestinal ulceration, metabolic alkalosis, muscle hypertonicity, flatulence, dehumidification, and raised blood pressure.

How to use?


Ors is a viscous elucidation. It’s formed to be devour by mouth. If a person is impotent to liquor due to puking, nasogastric masticating might be used. This fork over the ors via a nasogastric duct, which is infused through the nose and into the stomach.

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Preparation of ors

The prevail steps for anticipate an ors are as follows:

  • Rinse your hands with castile and clean water.
  • Alongside, rinse a canister with castile and clean water.
  • Cascade one litre of clean water into the canister.
  • Add the ors powder to the water, then commingle with the canister. 

Storage of ors

Ors should be retained in an airtight packet; if a free-flowing powder is imperious, it should be kept in an airtight packet, preferably made of aluminum stratify. The usp monograph for ors endorses storage in a tight canister and ephemeral revelation to temperatures in glut of 30°c. Ors does not need to be accompanied in the cold atmosphere. Ditch any elucidation that endures unhabituated 24 hours after measures.

Warnings and precautions

  • If you have any of the pursuing health obstacles, negotiate your general croaker aforetime hanging this product: incompetency to keep fluids in the stomach (for illustration, due to gagging that is strict or doesn't cease), difficulty urinating, intestinal hedge.
  • You should hang oral rehydration explication with foresight if you:
  • Order compliant
  • Diabetes
  • Heart failure
  • Blood pressure placebo
  • Ors is contraindicated in cases flaunting the pursuing vittles: cirrhosis of the liver, congestive cardiac failure, nephrotic pattern, acute and habitual renal failure, ischemic heart compliant, adrenocortical insufficiency, hyperkalemic periodic palsy, hyperkalemia, hypo-ventilatory states, chloride depletion due to continuous gastric fluid loss, metabolic or respiratory alkalosis, hypocalcemia, hyperosmolar countries in anuria or oliguria, edematous sodium retaining conditions, hypertension, supplemental or pulmonary edema or toxemia of gestation, severe vomiting, diarrhea and dehumidification taking fluid remedy, dextrose malabsorption, diabetes mellitus, thiamine insufficiency, severe undernutrition, hemodilution, hypophosphatemia, sepsis, and trauma. Ors is also contraindicated for use in cases witness authority with the vittles: sodium-retaining medicines (e.g., corticosteroids, nsaids, carbenoxolone), or diuretics known to yield hypochloremia alkalosis.

Pharmaceutical form

Oral grit

A milky, translucent grit; odor-free

Product composition

ComponentChemical FormulaConcentration (g/l)
Sodium ChlorideNacl2.6
Glucose, anhyderousC6H12O613.5
Potassium ChlorideKCl1.5
Tirosodium Citrate, dihydrateC6H5Na307,2H202.9


Ors remedy is meditated to be wholly inviolable for people of all ages. Still, the approved measure can vary from person to person. Fostering children should pursue ors by the side of breast milk as no other fluidic can prevail the advantages of breastfeeding. As per the suggested, here are the approved measure of ors.

Children (< 2 years) – 50-100ml emulate by each diarrhea phase

Children (2-9 years) – 100-200ml emulate by each diarrhea phase

>10 years – up to 2l in a day

Price of ors

The fare of ors in pakistan is pkr 80.


Ors should be amalgamation in multi-ply stratified aluminum foil sachets, as vendible can be afflicted by immensely humid ambiguous provisions.


You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 03171777509 for further information.
