AGP Pharma in Pakistan manufactures Osnate D pills. Vitamin D and the mineral compound ossein are both present in this medicine. Due to the increased calcium requirements during pregnancy, nursing, and menopause, osnate D pill use is widespread. Calcium, phosphate, collagen, proteins, mineral salts, and trace elements are all present in one pill. Appropriate calcium levels are attained throughout pregnancy, lactation, and menopause with the aid of vitamin D, phosphorus, and growth factors the enhancers in Osnate Onsite improve bone quality and reduce female bone loss. After menopause, Osnate D pill assists in minimizing trabecular bone loss. It also relieves back pain and leg cramps.

In the following medical problems, osnate-D is advised:

Osnate D tablets can provide the additional minerals that children, nursing mothers, and pregnant women require for healthy growth. Additionally, it should be used to treat osteoporosis, osteomalacia, hypochypocalcemiareased bone brittleness, bone pain, dental caries prevention, and fractures with postponed callus formation.


Osnate-D contains the following ingredients:

  • Vitamin D 400 IU
  • Ossian mineral complex 830 mg

Uses Of Osnate-D

Different bone issues, including rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, osteoarthritis, and joint stiffness are treat with Osnate D Tablet.

Side Effects Of Osnate-D Tablet

Osnate D can have certain negative effect. Osnate D frequently has no undesirable side effects. However, if you experience any odd side effects, go to your doctor. This medication high vitamin D and calcium content may result in nausea, vomiting, weight loss, constipation, mental or emotional issues, increased thirst, unusual exhaustion, and excessive urination. Osnate D side effects include difficulty breathing, itching, skin rashes, acute disorientation, and face swelling.

Osnate-D For Calcium And Vitamin Defficiency For Male

Males who lack calcium and vitamin D can treat their deficiencies with osnate-D tablets.

Your parathyroid glands compensate when you don get enough vitamin D or calcium by producing too much of its hormone, a condition known as hyperparathyroidism. Osteoporosis, which weakens bones and increases the risk of fracture, may arise from this. With the help of a number of minerals and vitamin D, Osnate D tablets help people who are deficient in calcium avoid bone loss and other bone deformations. By improving balance, muscle function, and strength in men, calcium and vitamin D supplements help lessen the risk of falling in addition to lowering bone loss.

Osnate-D Supplementation For Women During Pregnancy

Preeclampsia, early birth, gestational diabetes, and caesarean sections have all been linked to vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy. Pregnant women should currently take 600 IU, or 15 mcg, of vitamin D per day. According to some experts, pregnant women need a lot more vitamin D. contrarily, calcium lowers the likelihood that a pregnant woman would pass away or experience serious complications linked to high blood pressure by preventing pre-eclampsia and early birth. The good news is that the pregnancy benefits from the Osnate D tablet calcium and vitamin D content. To find out when to begin taking Osnate D during pregnancy, speak with your physician.

View More: Brexin Tablet - Uses Side Effects And Price In Pakistan?

Common Advantages For Patients With Skin Diseases And Hair Loss Problems

Calcium makes up the majority of the substances in our bodies. Skin becomes irritable, wrinkled, and brittle without the proper intake. The epidermis and calcium work together to make sebum, a naturally occurring skin-coating substance that helps the skin keep its natural moisture. Reduced sebum production brought on by a calcium deficiency results in dry, unhealthy skin. People may suffer from serious skin problems like eczema, which has the potential to lead to skin cancer, in cases of dry and damaged skin. Because calcium encourages the secretion of hormones and enzymes, especially the androgen hormones and biotin enzymes required for healthy hair growth, it is essential for strong, healthy hair. Additionally, especially for women of reproductive age, it can help with iron absorption, which is necessary for developing strong, healthy hair. Talk to a professional nutritionist about the benefits of Osnate D tablets if you want long, lustrous hair.

Drug Interaction With Osnate-D Tablet

Before taking any medications with Osnate D tablets, check with your doctor.

  • Antacids
  • Anti-seizure medications
  • Cholestyramine
  • Corticosteroids
  • Rifampicin and Digoxin
  • Thiazides of orlistat


  • Take this medication orally along with a glass of juice or water.
  • Take this medication before eating.


  • Take this medication precisely as your doctor has advised often 1-2 pills each day. Use caution if taking Osnate D without a prescription.
  • Consult your doctor before taking Osnate D and make sure they are aware of any instances of malabsorption syndrome, kidney disease, liver disease, hypervitaminosis, or hypercalcemia.
  • Inform your physician if you experience a reaction to the active ingredient in Osnate D.
  • Alcohol and narcotics should not be consumed together with osnate D.
  • Diazepam, clonazepam, lorazepam, metolazone, chlorthalidone, or hydrochlorothiazide should not be taken with osnate D.

Storage Condition

Store this medication away from heat sources and in a cool, dry place at room temperature. Keep it out of children’s and animals reach.

Price Of Osnate-D Tablet In Pakistan?

Osnate-D tablet price in Pakistan is 350 rupees for a 6-tablet pack.

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