Osteoporosis - Symptoms, Risk factors and Treatment
Last Updated On Friday, February 7, 2025
Osteoporosis in Urdu
آپ کی ہڈیاں بافتوں پر مشتمل ہوتی ہیں جو مسلسل خود کو ٹھیک کرتی ہیں اور بڑھتی رہتی ہیں۔ آسٹیوپوروسس میں، آپ کا جسم کھوئے ہوئے خلیات اور نئے بنائے جانے والے خلیات کو برقرار نہیں رکھتا ہے۔ آسٹیوپوروسس ایک ایسی حالت ہے جس میں آپ کی ہڈیوں کا پتلا ہونا واقع ہوتا ہے، جس کی وجہ سے وہ کمزور اور اس حد تک ٹوٹ پھوٹ کا شکار ہو جاتی ہیں کہ ہلکے گرنے سے بھی فریکچر ہو سکتا ہے۔ آسٹیوپوروسس سے متعلق فریکچر اکثر کولہے کی ہڈی، کلائی یا ریڑھ کی ہڈی میں ہوتے ہیں۔ یہ دونوں جنسوں میں ہوسکتا ہے، لیکن یہ خواتین میں زیادہ عام ہے، خاص طور پر رجونورتی یا پوسٹ مینوپاسل عمر کے گروپوں میں۔ اس سے بچاؤ کے لیے، آپ کو کیلشیم اور وٹامن ڈی سے بھرپور صحت بخش غذا کھانی چاہیے اور طاقت پیدا کرنے والی ورزشیں کرنی چاہیے جو آپ کی ہڈیوں کو مضبوط کرتی ہیں اور ہڈیوں کے نقصان کو روکتی ہیں۔
Osteoporosis in English
Your bones consist of tissues that continuously repair themselves and grow. In osteoporosis, your body does not keep up with the lost cells and the newly made ones. Osteoporosis is a condition in which thinning of your bones occurs, causing them to become weak and brittle up to the extent that even a light fall can result in a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures often happen in the hip bone, wrist, or spine. It can occur in both genders, but it is more common in women, especially in the menopausal or postmenopausal age groups. To prevent it, you should eat a healthy diet abundant in calcium and vitamin D and do strength-bearing exercises that strengthen your bones and prevent bone loss.
In the early stages of bone loss, there are no symptoms. But as the disease progresses, it may start to cause bothersome symptoms. Osteoporosis may cause the following signs and symptoms;
- Back pain- mostly due to fractured bones or collapsed vertebra
- Loss of height over time
- Getting fracture easily, even on just a light fall
- A stooped posture
Your bones constantly renew themselves. The old cells replace with the new ones. Therefore they have the ability to heal even after getting broken. When you are young, in the 20s of your age, the bones renew themselves fast. While as you age, this process gets slower. It is the reason that it takes longer to heal if any bone injury occurs in old age.
Osteoporosis can occur in anyone. But the possible causes can be;
Taking long-term corticosteroids- people having inflammatory diseases like asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, idiopathic thrombotic purpura, and many others diseases need to take them for disease management. In return, they can cause thinning of bones. If you have any inflammatory condition, and you need to take corticosteorids, your healthcare provider must keep a check on your bone density through a DEXA scan.
Risk factors
The risk factors for osteoporosis can be;
Sex- women are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis as compared to men.
Age- as you age, the risk of it increases. It happens because your bone cells take more time to regrow and repair.
Race- white and Asian people are at more risk of developing osteoporosis.
Family history- if anyone in your family, parents, or siblings have osteoporosis, the risk of it for you increases.
Body frame- men and women with small body frames are at more risk of developing osteoporosis.
Menopause- women at the menopausal stage, are at risk of developing osteoporosis because their estrogen hormone levels decline which helps strengthen the bones
Overactive thyroid gland- being hyperthyroid can also put you at risk of developing osteoporosis because it produces too much thyroid hormone
Eating disorder- having an eating disorder like bulimia nervosa can lead to osteoporosis because your body does not get enough nutrition
Low calcium diet- the risk for osteoporosis increases if you consume a low calcium diet. To consume enough calcium, you must drink one to two glasses of milk in a day.
Other risk factors for osteoporosis are;
- Gastrointestinal surgery
- Taking long term corticosteroids
- Having medical conditions like celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, lupus, kidney or liver disease, cancer, multiple myeloma, or rheumatoid arthritis
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Living a sedentary lifestyle
- Smoking cigarettes
To prevent it, you should eat a healthy diet abundant in calcium and vitamin D and do strength-bearing exercises that strengthen your bones and help prevent bone loss.
Osteoporosis is a condition in which thinning of your bones occurs, causing them to become weak and brittle up to the extent that even a light fall can result in a fracture. Osteoporosis-related fractures often happen in the hip bone, wrist, or spine. It can occur in both genders, but it is more common in women, especially in the menopausal or postmenopausal age groups.
Frequently Asked Questions
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes weak, thinning bones. It is a condition in which bones become more fragile and are more likely to break. Osteoporosis can occur in both men and women, but is more common in women due to the natural decrease in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause. Osteoporosis can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet.
Osteoporosis meaning in urdu is Taslab al azam (تصلب العظام). Or ہڈي کي بڑھتي ہوئي سختي
The five most common symptoms of osteoporosis are: lower back pain, increased hearing loss, struggling to stand, brittle fingernails, and a widow's hump. Other symptoms may include a stooped posture, loss of height, and bone fractures.
Three common causes of osteoporosis are estrogen deficiencies in women, calcium deficiencies, and an inactive lifestyle. Other causes may include absence of menstrual periods for long periods of time, a family history of osteoporosis, drinking a large amount of alcohol, low body weight, smoking, and having an overactive thyroid gland or reduced amounts of sex hormones (oestrogen and testosterone).