Labyrinthitis is inflammation of the labyrinth in the inner ear and something that causes it to go haywire, such as dizziness, vertigo, and hearing loss. It results in much discomfort and these conditions will affect daily activity. More frequently, Labyrinthitis is of inner ear infection, usually either by virus or bacteria, that will cause most exceptional discomfort.

Labyrinthitis Symptoms

Labyrinthitis Symptoms can be manifested as mild to more heavy phenomena. The following are included:

  • Dizziness: Spinning or dizziness
  • Vertigo: the world is spinning around you
  • Hearing Loss: total or partial lack of hearing in one ear
  • Tinnitus: Ringing in the ears
  • Nausea Or Vomiting: Causative agents, usually by vertigo or dizziness.

Labyrinthitis Causes

Common are infections due to viruses or bacteria, and it is in the order:

  • Viral infections: Most often are found to be the culprit, and they can appear before a cold, flu, or respiratory disorder.
  • Bacterial infection: Among the types of infections that cause labyrinthitis, viral infections occur more commonly than bacterial infections, although bacterial infections can still be the source. Prior infections of the head, neck and middle ear can develop into such infections.
  • Other causes: Trauma, autoimmune disorders, and even allergies may also serve to put one at risk for getting this ailment called labyrinthitis.

Labyrinthitis and Vertigo

The primary symptom of labyrinthitis causes people to experience unrealistic spinning and motion confusion. Infections of the inner ear and inner space lead to both Labyrinthitis and Vertigo symptoms; brain movement coordination along with balance become negatively impacted due to such inflammation. The confusion of vertigo affects patients for either short or extended periods based on how serious their illness becomes.

Chronic Labyrinthitis and Acute Labyrinthitis

Both the fundamental forms of labyrinthitis are chronic and acute:

  • Chronic Labyrinthitis: It is long-term and is the reason for recurring dizziness for durations, imbalance, and partial or temporary hearing loss. Most of the time it is the reason for prolonged viral infection and inner ear disease.
  • Acute Labyrinthitis: Acute labyrinthitis is typically sudden after an upper respiratory infection. It is with more symptoms, severe vertigo and dizziness, and for days to weeks.

Labyrinthitis Diagnosis

Doctors can do Labyrinthitis Diagnosis based on physical examination, history of your illness, and questioning. Some of the usual investigations are:

  • Hearing tests: To assess whether there is any hearing loss
  • Balance tests: To assess your balance function
  • MRI or CT scans: To exclude cancer or other ear or brain disease
They may also conduct tests to find out the cause of the sickness, whether it be viral or bacterial.

Dizziness: Labyrinthitis

Labyrinthitis and Dizziness are chronic symptoms, and they most often make a great deal of difference in the patient's life. An imbalance or Dizziness due to inner ear inflammation disturbs the body's equilibrium mechanism. Giddiness may range from mild discomfort to completely disabling vertigo.

Labyrinthitis versus Vestibular Neuritis

Vestibular neuritis is different from labyrinthitis. They are both found in the inner ear and lead to some unequal feelings, but:

  • Only the first affects both the hearing and balance function of the inner ear, and therefore, it can cause hearing loss.
  • Labyrinthitis vs. Vestibular Neuritis infects the balance function of the inner ear and thus does not result in hearing loss.

Labyrinthitis in Children

While more common in adults, the condition also affects children. Children who experience labyrinthitis may present symptoms such as dizziness and balance issues and occasionally have hearing difficulties. Children most often develop labyrinthitis because of viral infections. The treatment of children with labyrinthitis requires symptomatic intervention focused on administering antiemetic and analgesic medications when needed.

Labyrinthitis and Deafness

Sometimes, labyrinthitis causes deafness, primarily when the infection is borne to the cochlea organ of hearing. Also, Labyrinthitis and Hearing Loss may be reversible or irreversible, depending on the amount of inflammation. Early diagnosis and treatment can, in some cases, prevent that kind of deafness.

Treatment of Labyrinthitis

Symptom control is primarily the Labyrinthitis Treatment administered. The most commonly used drugs are:

  • Antihistamines: For relief of dizziness and vomiting.
  • Antibiotics: When bacterial infection is implicated in the cause of the condition.
  • Corticosteroids: To diminish inflammation in severe cases.
  • Anti-nausea medications: Labyrinthitis Medication is for the relief of nausea and vomiting associated with vertigo.

Labyrinthitis Recovery Time

People recover from labyrinthitis based on disease severity, which results in recovery times ranging from a few days to weeks. Time leads to the elimination of all symptom manifestations. Acute labyrinthitis is recovered sooner, while chronic labyrinthitis is recovered slowly. Labyrinthitis recovery time is not consistent, but with reasonable care, some people recover completely.

Preventing Labyrinthitis

However, there are still some ways of preventing Labyrinthitis against being a victim of it at all times:

  • Maintaining hygiene: Washing hands repeatedly to be free from infections and contaminations.
  • Early Treatment of Ear Infection: Middle ear infections, if treated at their early stages, do not go as far as causing problems like labyrinthitis.
  • Have A Healthy Immune System: Having a healthy diet and avoiding stress can offer a healthy immune system.


Labyrinthitis is an ear disease that produces abnormal hearing and balance due to bacterial or viral infection. A few of them are hearing loss, vertigo, and dizziness. The treatment is administered by eliminating the cause of the disease as well as the symptoms. Recovery is different but with proper medicine, most people get over labyrinthitis in no time.

Please book an appointment with the best ENT Specialist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.