For every woman, being aware of the potential signs and symptoms of breast cancer is very important for early detection. Although awareness campaigns have highlighted the importance of regular screening tests such as mammograms and clinical examinations, it's also good to be proactive about your own health. That's why we've rounded up 10 common early warning signs that may signal you should get further testing for breast cancer. From changes in skin appearance to localized pain, discover these key indicators that could be a cause for concern and make sure to keep an eye out if any of them arise. Early knowledge on this topic can ensure that you receive prompt medical attention if necessary!

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a disease that affects the mammary glands or breast tissue. It is one of the most frequently diagnosed types of cancer in women and can also affect men, although it is far less common. Breast cancer begins as small localized tumors in the breast tissue, but if left to spread can become uncontrollable. Diagnosis usually involves screening tests like mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies and physical exams to determine whether an individual has the disease. Treatment varies depending on the stage and type of cancer detected, with options such as radiation therapy, chemotherapy and surgery being effective treatments used to control its progression. Early detection can lead to effective treatment and increased chances of survival after diagnosis.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer

1- Changes in breast size or shape

Changes in the size or shape of one's breasts can be symptoms of a wide variety of medical conditions, including breast cancer. Women should regularly self-check for any lumps or bumps that can indicate the presence of a medical problem. Any changes in texture or discoloration should also be considered symptoms incident to potential breast cancer. Therefore, it is always important to consult a healthcare provider if you experience changes in the size and shape of your breasts as they could point to a larger overall health concern.

2- Redness of the breast

The redness of the breast can be a possible symptoms of breast cancer. When the breast turns reddish in color and also appears inflamed but has no symptoms, such as fever or soreness, it is important to get a doctor's opinion at once so they can rule out any underlying health concerns. In addition, an experienced healthcare professional should be consulted if the area changes shape or size or the color persists for longer than two weeks. In some cases, those with red breasts may opt to get further tests such as mammograms or biopsies done to rule out symptoms of breast cancer. Ultimately, our bodies are capable of providing signs and symptoms when something isn’t right inside - signs like reddening of the breast should not be ignored, and it's always best to speak with a healthcare provider when anything unusual arises.

3- Swelling of the breast

Swelling of the breast can be an indication of serious medical conditions, primarily symptoms of breast cancer. Signs to look out for include general puffiness, raised patches on the skin or a lumpy or hardened area, or a localized tenderness in the boobs. Seek immediate medical consultation if you experience any symptoms of this nature as early detection is key to treating any form of cancer. Never hesitate to reach out for help at the first sign of symptoms, for your own well-being and health.

4- Dimpling or puckering of the skin on the breast

Dimpling or puckering of the skin on the breast can be one of the symptoms of breast cancer. It is important to pay close attention to any changes in your body and make sure you talk to a doctor if you do experience any symptoms such as dimpling. It is best to get regular checkups and take preventive measures to stay healthy, because cancer symptoms may not give an early hint. Seeing a specialist can help detect symptoms like dimpling and other warning signs before they worsen. There has never been a better time in history for us to be proactive about our health!

5- A nipple that turns inward (inverted)

Inverted nipples, also known as retracted nipples, occur when the tissue that surrounds the nipple is overly tight and pulls the nipple inward. This can be a sign of breast cancer, however it is generally not an indicator on its own, and many women have this condition without symptoms of any illness. Other symptoms of breast cancer such as lumps or lesions close to the surface of the breast, change in size or shape of the breast, discharge from nipples, rash/irritation or swelling should be monitored for early detection and proper treatment. It is important to speak with your doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms that may indicate a need to investigate further.

6- Discharge from the nipples, other than milk

Discharge from the nipples, other than milk, can be a frightening experience and may be an indicator of symptoms of breast cancer. It is important to remain vigilant when it comes to symptoms and report any unusual discharge or changes in the breasts to a doctor right away. There are multiple types of discharge that could occur due to any number of issues including an infection, a hormone imbalance, or even the presence of cancer. The most common type is a milky white liquid which often happens during periods of pregnancy but can also be caused by fibrocystic changes in the breasts or other conditions. Other symptoms of breast cancer may include swelling or lumps in the breast area, long term discomfort, dimpling in the skin, redness or scaly patches on the nipple, and even change in size across both breasts. While experiencing one symptom does not necessarily indicate breast cancer always seek medical advice if symptoms persist for more than two weeks.

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7- Rash or crusting on the nipple

Rash or crusting on the nipple is a possible symptom of breast cancer and should not be ignored. Observe for any changes to your nipples, including dimpling, puckering, or skin that is scaly or red. It's important to get checked out right away by a doctor if you experience symptoms like these. Other symptoms of breast cancer include finding a lump in your neck or armpit, breast swelling or pain in the chest area, the presence of an unusual discharge from the nipple, and changes in size or shape to the nipple itself. Recognizing symptoms of breast cancer early on can lead to better treatment outcomes and increase patient survival rate.

8- Lump

Lumpy breasts are one of the symptoms of breast cancer, and it's important for everyone to be aware of them. A lump in the breast should always be taken seriously, as it could be a sign that cancer is present. Lumps may come in all shapes and sizes, but they can usually be felt as a firm, hard mass that does not move when pressed or squeezed. If any symptoms do occur or if there is something unusual about the breast tissue, then seeking medical attention right away is key. While most lumps are benign and harmless, it is best to err on the side of caution and get it checked out so the cause can be fully diagnosed.

9- Pain

Pain is a symptom of many illnesses, including breast cancer. For those suffering from symptoms that could stem from the disease, it's important to pay attention to what your body is trying to tell you. Breast cancer pain symptoms may include localized tenderness or sensitivity in the area around the tumor, as well as burning, aching, tingling, and discomfort in the armpit or chest. Pain does not always equate to a terminal diagnosis of breast cancer so it's essential to get examined if one experiences any worrying symptoms to make sure that any needed treatments are taken care of before it progresses too far.

10- The heat of breast skin

As we all know, women are naturally equipped with higher body temperatures than men. This makes breast skin a hotspot for symptoms of breast cancer. An increase in heat in certain males can also be a sign of warning and should make them alert for symptoms. If you feel that your breast skin is hotter compared to the rest of your body, it is important to pay close attention to other symptoms. Common signs of breast cancer include changes in texture, nipple discharge, and lumps inside the breasts. While high body temperatures do not always mean an individual is having symptoms of cancer, it is always wise to check out any unusual changes with a doctor if they persist over time.


Early detection is key when it comes to breast cancer. Be sure to keep an eye out for these 10 early symptoms of breast cancer and consult with a doctor if you experience any of them. With regular screenings and self-exams, we can work together to help reduce the number of deaths caused by this disease.

Please book an appointment with the Best Doctors For Breast Cancer in Pakistan, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 02137136090 to find a verified doctor for your disease.
