introduction and its uses

An antiparasitic drug called zentel suspension is used to treat parasitic infections brought on by tapeworms. It functions by reducing the parasite's energy supplies, weakening it, and ultimately killing it (parasites are organisms that depend on other organisms for their survival).

Albendazole is used to treat neurocysticercosis, a neurological condition brought on by swine tapeworms. The liver, lung, and peritoneum infection cystic hydatid disease, which is brought on by canine tapeworms, is also treated with this medication.

Albendazole is used to treat work-related illnesses. Preventing the worm from absorbing sugar (glucose), causes the worm to lose energy and eventually perish.

Just a prescription from your doctor is required to purchase this medication.

There are several dosing forms for this product

  • Tablet
  • Syrup

Side effects of zentel

If you have any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction, get immediate medical attention: hives; trouble breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or neck.

Serious adverse effects of albendazole are possible. If you experience any of the following:

A high temperature, chills, a sore throat, mouth sores, and dizziness;

Symptoms of elevated skull pressure include severe headaches, ringing in the ears, nausea, dizziness, and pain behind the


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The following are examples of albendazole’s adverse effects:

Headache, stiff neck, heightened light sensitivity, and disorientation;

  • Fever
  • Stomach discomfort,
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Inconsistent liver function tests
  • Dizziness, a feeling of a whirling
  • Temporary hair loss.

Before taking this medicine

  • If you are allergic to mebendazole or other comparable medications, you should not use this medication.
  • Inform your doctor if you've ever experienced: eye issues (particularly a retinal issue);
  • Liver illness; or
  • Suppression of the bone marrow.
  • An unborn child could suffer from albendazole. While using this medication and for at least three days following your last dose, use reliable birth control to avoid getting pregnant. When you become pregnant, let your doctor know.
  • Before beginning this medication, you might need to get a pregnancy test that is negative.
  • While taking this medication, breastfeeding might not be safe. Inquire with your doctor about potential risks.

How i should use this medicine

Take this medication orally. This medication can be broken up or chewed, then taken with a glass of water. The prescription label's instructions should be followed. With food, take this medication. Even if you feel better, take all of your medications as prescribed. Never miss a dosage or stop your medication too soon.

About the administration of this medication to children, consult your pediatrician. Although this medication may be provided to children for a few disorders, there are some restrictions.

Overdosage: if you believe you have taken too much of this medication, call an emergency room or a poison control center right away.

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Interaction with other medicine

  • Cimetidine
  • Dexamethasone
  • Praziquantel
  • Theophylline

It's probable that not all combinations are covered by this list. Include all of the pharmaceuticals, herbs, over-the-counter remedies, and nutritional supplements you take for your health. Additionally let them know whether you smoke, consume alcohol, or engage in drug usage. Your medicine may be impacted by certain things.

Who should not use this medicine

  • Pancytopenia is a form of blood condition characterized by a reduction in all blood cell types.
  • Failure of the bone marrow causes low blood counts.
  • Anemia.
  • Low concentrations of neutrophils, a particular type of white blood cell.
  • Liver issues.
  • Liver function tests that are abnormal.
  • Pregnancy.

Dosage form and strength

Depending on the patient, this medication's dosage will change. Follow the directions on the label or those provided by your doctor. Only the normal dosages of this drug are described in the following. If your dose differs, don't adjust it until your physician instructs you to do so.

For tablets used as oral dose forms:

For peritoneal, hepatic, and lung hydatid disease:

Individuals that weigh at least 60 kilograms (kg)—

Your doctor must establish the dosage, which is depending on your body weight. The normal dosage is 400 mg, given with meals twice a day for 28 days (1 cycle). After then, there are three cycles of not taking albendazole for a total of 14 days.

Adults under the weight of 60 kg: your doctor will set the dosage for you based on your body weight. The normal dosage is divided into 2 doses and taken with meals for 28 days at a rate of 15 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. Afterward, for a total of three cycles, albendazole is not taken for 14 days.


To ensure that the infection is entirely cleared up, it is crucial that your doctor regularly assess your or your child's progress. The necessity for blood tests to check for side effects may arise.

See your doctor if your symptoms persist or worsen after you have finished the recommended dosage of this medication.

Your unborn child could suffer if you use this medication while you are pregnant. Throughout treatment and for three days following the final dose, use a reliable method of birth control. Inform your doctor as soon as possible if you believe you became pregnant while taking this medication. Also, in order to ensure that you are not pregnant before beginning the medication.

Storage condition

Keep out of children's reach.

Keep between 20 and 25 degrees celsius at room temperature (68- and 77 degrees f). Keep the container shut tightly. After the expiration date, you should dispose of any unused medication.

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 02137136090 for further information.
