If you are looking for an extra boost in the bedroom, it's time to start paying attention to your diet. Eating certain foods before sex can increase your energy levels, libido and mood - meaning that you will be able to enjoy a more pleasurable experience! From oysters and dark chocolate, to maca powder and almonds, here are five of the best foods that you should include in your pre-sex playlist. So let's get ready for some deliciously steamy nights ahead - with no more excuses about fatigue or lack of enthusiasm!

1- Pomegranate

If you’re looking for the best foods to eat before sex, look no further than the humble pomegranate. Not only is this juicy fruit delicious, but it is also jam-packed with pomegranate benefits for sex that can enhance your performance in the bedroom! As one of nature’s richest sources of antioxidants and micro-nutrients, regular consumption of pomegranates can increase stamina and strength while also countering low libido due to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Pomegranates are also known to reduce stress levels and help the body relax – both of which are key factors in achieving a great sexual experience. Try adding some juicy pomegranate segments to your diet today and experience the health benefits they offer!

2- Dried fruit

Having a healthy snack before sex can make all the difference, and eating dried fruit is an excellent choice! Not only is it relatively low in calories, but its natural sugars not only provide an energy boost to get you in the mood but also provide several essential vitamins and minerals. Some of the best foods to eat before sex are raisins, dates, figs, cranberries, and apricots due to their high fiber content which helps stabilize hormone levels. Plus their micronutrients such as Vitamin E help maintain your lubrication during intercourse! With all these amazing dried fruit benefits for sex, why not take this opportunity to indulge yourself and make your intimate experiences even better?

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3- Dark Chocolate

Best foods to eat before sex is more than just an old wives’ tale and dark chocolate is one of the best snacks to have before being intimate. Dark chocolate has many benefits for sex, including increased libido, endorphin release, enhanced sensitivity and improved stamina. One research study even discovered that after eating 60 grams of dark chocolate every day for two weeks, 30 volunteers experienced a four-fold increase in endorphin levels over their baseline. The flavonols found in cocoa may increase blood flow to certain body parts resulting in more pleasure for both partners during sexual activity. Be sure to remember this tasty snack when preparing for your next romantic interlude.

4- Avocados

Avocados are one of the best foods to eat before having sex. This fruit is packed full of important vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, zinc, and vitamin B6 – all of which have real benefits when it comes to bedroom activities. Avocado is known for its high concentration of healthy fatty acids which help lubricate both internally and externally, fighting dryness. It is also believed that the female hormones present in the fruit can help increase libido in both men and women. So if you want to feel more energized for the fun activities ahead, add some avocados to your meal!

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5- Oysters

Best foods to eat Before Sex? Well, when it comes to oysters, the answer is a resounding yes! Oysters are widely renowned for their aphrodisiac qualities, as they contain high levels of zinc, which enhances libido and testosterone production. Additionally, the iron content in oysters means increased stamina, allowing you and your partner to last longer. While there is not much scientific study to back this up, anecdotal evidence suggests that those who partake in these succulent shellfish have experienced marked improvements in their sexual encounters. So if you're looking to spice things up in the bedroom, start planning a romantic dinner featuring some juicy oysters your pleasure will thank you!


After going over the five best foods to eat before sex, hopefully, you now have a good understanding of how these healthy and delicious meals can positively impact your sex life. Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants that help keep your physical body functioning optimally. Dried fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates for energy and endurance. Dark chocolate boosts endorphins and serotonin release that floods the brain with blissful sensations. Avocados are packed with healthy fats that increase blood flow to all the right places. And finally, oysters are an amazing source of zinc which helps produce testosterone. If you are looking for an extra boost in the bedroom, it's time to start paying attention to what you put into your body! By adding some of these nutritious snacks into your diet, you are sure to experience a mind-blowing session afterward." So take control of your health and libido by adding these 5 best foods to eat before sex into your lifestyle!

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/foods-to-eat-before-sex