Don’t you hate it when no matter how healthy you eat, your stomach just won’t cooperate? Gas and bloating can be uncomfortable at the least and downright debilitating at its worst. Thankfully, there are easy home remedies available to help alleviate these symptoms naturally. From simple dietary changes to gentle teas and herbal remedies, we’ve gathered 13 of the best techniques for reducing gas and bloating in a natural way that works for both men and women alike. Keep reading to discover which might be right for you!


1- Simethicone

Simethicone is a commonly used home remedy to help relieve gas and bloating. It acts as an anti-foaming agent that helps break up gas bubbles in the stomach and intestines, allowing them to pass more easily. Found in over-the-counter products like gas-x, it can be taken as a tablet, softgel capsule or liquid suspension.

While it is generally safe for adults and children over two years old, it's wise to check with your doctor if you have any other underlying medical conditions. Simethicone has been used for decades as an easy home remedy for the temporary relief of minor stomach and intestinal issues caused by excess gas.


2- Herbs for gas relief

For home remedies to relieve gas and bloating, look no further than your very own spice rack! Herbs like fennel, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, and dill can be brewed into a tea that helps prevent and alleviate stomach bloating. Eating small amounts of fresh ginger, cloves or caraway seeds before meals can also help reduce gas buildup. Finally, adding anise seed oil to hot water and drinking the mixture is an effective way to bring relief from an array of digestive issues - including unwanted gas.


3- Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is a home remedy that many turn to for relief from gas and bloating. It's well-known for its medicinal properties and calming effects on the digestive system, which can help relieve pressure and discomfort. Studies have shown that chamomile extracts inhibit the growth of certain bacteria in the stomach and intestines, helping to promote balance in the digestive system. Making regular consumption of this tea part of your home remedies may be beneficial when it comes to managing digestion problems.


4- Move

Moving home can be a daunting experience, and often it can be difficult to feel at home in a new environment. To help ease the transition and reduce any anxiety or discomfort you may be feeling, it is essential to listen to your body and take steps to manage any physical side effects that may arise.

Gas and bloating are common issues linked with home moving, but thankfully there are plenty of home remedies one can try before finding a more long term solution. One of the quickest and easiest ways to alleviate gas and bloating is peppermint tea as this helps to relax the muscles of the digestive system while also providing a calming sensation.

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Additionally, lemon water has been known to help reduce symptoms by detoxing the body through hydration and releasing beneficial enzymes which enable digestion properly. While home remedies can certainly help with easing discomfort, if symptoms persist it is best speak to your healthcare provider who will find a tailored solution according to your personal needs.


5 Probiotics for gas and bloating

Many home remedies exist to help reduce gas and bloating. Probiotics is one of the most popular home remedies, as they are proven to be effective in reducing symptoms due to their ability to support the body's natural function of digestion. Probiotics work by balancing out bacteria in the gut and helping break down food more efficiently, thereby lessening abdominal discomfort.

Additionally, many probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt and sauerkraut, are available to improve gut health. Many probiotic supplements are also available that can provide added relief from gas and bloating. Talk with your doctor before adding a probiotic supplement into your diet for best results!


6- Peppermint

Peppermint has long been an effective home remedy for issues related to digestion, such as gas and bloating. Consuming peppermint tea can contribute to relaxation of the gastrointestinal muscles, thus promoting a feeling of relief from such discomforts.

Additionally, peppermint oil capsules may even help with irritable bowel syndrome symptoms like abdominal pain and cramping. All this to say that pulling out some peppermint from the cabinet may just be a simple home remedy needed during those pesky digestive moments!


7- Activated charcoal

Did you know that activated charcoal could be an effective home remedy for gas and bloating? This natural home remedy is made from burning organic matter under high temperatures. It's popularity has grown in recent years and many people have begun to use it for its many benefits.

Activated charcoal can help remove toxins and helps to reduce digestive discomfort by soaking up excess gas. When purchasing activated charcoal, it's important to look for products that contain food-grade varieties if you want to ingest it safely. So next time your stomach feels a bit off balance why not turn to activated charcoal as a home remedy?


8- Yoga poses

Yoga poses can be a great home remedy for gas and bloating. Inversion yoga postures, such as downward dog, bridge pose and plough pose are particularly beneficial in helping to relieve discomfort associated with abdominal bloating, by reversing the flow of digestion and helping food move down into the intestines more effectively.

Stretching also aids in allowing trapped gas pockets to find an escape route. Taking time for yogic breath work, such as belly breathing, can also help to naturally reduce bloat. Incorporating these poses regularly into your home practice can be an incredibly effective way to soothe digestive discomfort quickly and easily.

9- Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar can be used to treat gas and bloating, as it helps to balance out an overgrowth of bacteria. This home remedy is easy to incorporate into everyday life; simply mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of room temperature water and drink just before meals.

Not only is it helpful for intestinal problems, but apple cider vinegar has also been known to help with cold symptoms like congestion and sore throat by thinning out mucous. Whether looking for a home remedy or trying to improve overall health, apple cider vinegar is a beneficial ingredient worthy of experimenting with!


10- Best otc remedies

When it comes to home remedies for gas and bloating, there are several over-the-counter (otc) products that can help ease the discomfort. For example, antacids can be taken to reduce acid production which can contribute to both gas and bloating. On the other hand, simethicone-containing products like gas-x can help break down excessive gas bubbles in the stomach.

Lastly, a daily probiotic supplement can provide helpful bacteria for good digestion, keeping potential indigestion at bay. Whatever home remedy you decide to try, remember that not all otcs are created equal and it's always best to discuss it with your primary care provider first before taking any medication or supplement.


11- Physical activity

Physical activity is essential to good health. Regular exercise and physical activity help reduce the risk of certain diseases, and even home remedies for gas and bloating. Cardiovascular activities, such as walking, jogging and swimming are excellent ways to get your body moving. Strength training, such as lifting weights and calisthenics, can help increase muscle mass and lower cholesterol levels.

Plus, physical activity can reduce stress levels and boost mental clarity. With just a little bit of effort each day, you can reap the rewards of physical activity by feeling better both physically and mentally - home remedies for gas and bloating included!


12- Lactase supplements

If you are among people who experience unwelcome home remedies for gas and bloating such as flatulence, abdominal pain, nausea and cramp after lactose-rich meal; then taking lactase supplements might just be your solution. The enzymes in the supplements help break down the hard to digest lactose sugar in dairy products hence providing relief from their uncomfortable side effects.

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If taken directly before a meal or with meals that contain dairy, they can bring what was a daunting experience into a pleasureful one. With the right dosage prescribed by your doctor you can enjoy food with milk and other dairy products without any worrying side effects afterwards.


13- Cloves

Cloves are a versatile spice that can be found in the cupboard of home cooks around the world. Widely known for their unique flavor and fragrance, cloves are also commonly used for home remedies to provide relief from gas and bloating. When ingested in some form, these powerful aromatic buds can suppress digestive system activity resulting in lesser discomfort due to gas and bloating.

Clove oils have been touted as an effective home remedy for other ailments such as headaches, toothaches, and even skin infections. So whether you’re cooking with cloves or simply looking for gently yet effective home remedies, adding cloves to your home pantry is sure to bring you relief in more ways than one!


How to prevent gas?

Gas is an uncomfortable and potentially embarrassing digestive disorder which can be prevented easily by making small diet changes. Start by eating slowly, as overeating causes gas to build up in the stomach and intestines. Foods that contain high levels of fiber should also be avoided as this can cause gas; instead switch to low-fiber diet items such as white rice, potatoes, or toast. You can also try reducing or avoiding carbonated beverages like soda and beer, sugars like lactose, and artificial sweeteners like sorbitol.

Eating smaller meals more frequently can help limit the amount of gas your body produces, as well as adding probiotics to your diet which help break down food faster and reduce bloating. Incorporating these simple dietary changes will ensure you prevent those pesky gases from disrupting your digestion!



If you’re looking for quick relief from gas and bloating, try one of these home remedies. Ginger, peppermint, and probiotics are just a few options that can help ease your symptoms. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and avoid foods that trigger gas and bloating. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find the remedy that works best for you.


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