Do you suffer from belly button infections? These pesky afflictions can be a source of discomfort and even embarrassment, but the good news is that with some knowledge of the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available, you can protect yourself from this common problem.

While it may seem like an irritation more suited for children to experience than adults - after all who still pays close attention to their belly button; in fact these kinds of infections can occur at any age. It just takes understanding why they happen in the first place and knowing how to spot the signs so that proper action can be taken. So let’s go over everything you need to know about dealing with bellybutton infection!

What is a belly button infection?

Belly Button Infection, more commonly known as "Navel Infection", is an infection that can affect the inner and outer structure of the belly button. It is caused by a buildup of bacteria or irritants on the surface of the area, which can result in inflammation, redness, and swelling in the region. Belly Button Infections are typically contagious and therefore require medical attention to avoid further spread and consequences.

Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics while fungal infections may required antifungal ointment. In more severe cases, surgery might be necessary to remove of any excess tissue or infection. Belly Button Infections should not be taken lightly as they can cause significant discomfort and may even disrupt everyday activities such as exercising or sleeping if left untreated for too long.

What are the causes of belly button infection?

1- Poor hygiene

Poor hygiene can lead to serious health complications, such as a belly button infection. These infections most commonly occur due to sweat trapped in the navel, making a hospitable environment for bacteria to grow. Not thoroughly cleaning and drying your navel area after a shower or swimming can also cause irritation and allow bacteria to take hold.

Furthermore, wearing overly tight clothing that causes friction with the skin and accumulation of sweat can lead to bacterial build-up as well. Regardless, it’s important to maintain general body hygiene and practice safe wearing habits if you plan on avoiding belly button infections.

2- Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is a common issue faced by many people, and can be caused by a number of things. Environmental factors such as hot weather or exercise can prompt the body to produce sweat, which causes the skin to become moist and leads to wetness. Anxiety and stress are another big cause of excess perspiration - when faced with overwhelming emotions, the body's response is to increase its sweat production.

Other causes tips include wearing clothing that is too tight or made out of synthetic fabrics, as well as hormonal imbalances or even prescription medication. It's important to identify what causes your excessive sweating so that you can work towards addressing it and restoring your overall comfort level.

3- Other sources of contamination

Bacteria, fungi and viruses can all be causes of belly button infection. Other sources of contamination such as cosmetics, lotions and sweat can also increase the risk of developing an infected navel. Tight clothing, excessive scratching and not maintaining proper hygiene can also contribute to dangerous levels of bacteria in the area that causes these uncomfortable infections. Learning to recognize the early signs of an infection and taking steps to reduce causes of bacterial buildup are key to preventing further discomfort.

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4- Belly button infections in neonates

Belly button infections, otherwise known as umbilical cord infections, can be caused by bacteria entering the umbilical cord area, and occasionally fungi or even viruses. These are typically common causes in neonates but they are often difficult to diagnose since they present many of the same symptoms as other baby ailments.

Generally, infection causes tenderness around the umbilicus (belly button), redness of the skin and a liquid discharge that can range from yellow to greenish-brown. Some newborns may also experience a mild fever and reduced appetite due to an infection in the cord area, making prompt medical attention essential.

Symptoms of Belly Button Infections

Belly button infections are an all-too-common occurrence, especially in warm and humid climates. They can turn up unexpectedly, but typically show a few telltale signs. The main symptom is redness and swelling of the belly button area; it may also be tender to the touch. Other symptoms include discharge from the belly button, itching or burning sensations, odor coming from the area, and fever.

Belly button infections can occur due to bacteria growth when dirt and sweat build-up in the area. It is important to see a doctor if these symptoms become persistent, as this type of infection can spread and put your overall health at risk if left untreated for too long.

Ways to Treat Belly Button Infections

1- Use Antibiotic/ Antifungal Medicine

Taking the right medication can make all the difference in treating belly button infections. Antibiotics and antifungals are two types of medicines that work well for belly button infection treatment because they target bacterial and fungal infections, respectively.

If initial treatments with topical solutions or warm compresses fail to get rid of your belly button infection, you may need to consult your doctor about an oral antibiotic or antifungal drug. While taking these medications comes with side effects, they can be a significant help in relieving belly button infection symptoms more quickly and effectively.

2- Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is a common household item used to sanitize surfaces, protect wounds and even treat belly button infections. It is antiseptic and disinfecting, making it a great go-to solution for everything from household cleaning to medical care. Rubbing alcohol typically consists of 70 percent isopropyl alcohol and is produced using denatured ethanol derived from grain; variations may also contain glycerine or water.

Specifically concerning belly button infection treatment, rubbing alcohol can be used to swab the outside belly button area; however, physicians generally don't recommend this approach due to the danger of it exacerbating pain or irritating skin further. Ultimately, if you are suffering from a belly button infection, it's best to consult a doctor for their professional advice that will offer the most effective relief.

3- Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is a well-known natural ingredient that has many beneficial uses. It is currently used in a wide range of products such as health and beauty items, medicinal treatments and food supplements. As it is known to have healing properties, aloe vera gel can be used topically to treat belly button infections.

Not only does it soothe the area but also helps reduce inflammation and alleviate the pain. In addition, it can prevent further infection with its protective barrier. Making aloe vera gel at home is fairly simple and cost effective as it is derived from its namesake plant - aloe vera!

4- Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil has been used to treat belly button infections for centuries. This powerful antibacterial and anti-fungal remedy works quickly to reduce inflammation, fight infection and reduce the itching and burning commonly associated with belly button infections. It is believed that tea tree oil’s anti-bacterial and antiviral properties also help boost the body’s immunity and speed up recovery time.

To use, dilute tea tree essential oil in warm water and apply it directly to the belly button using a cotton ball or Q-tip for 10 to 15 minutes twice daily. Not only does this natural remedy provide a fast, safe way to treat belly button infections, but it also helps remove bacteria from the area without the potential side effects of over-the-counter medications.

5- Turmeric

Turmeric has long been used as a belly button infection treatment because of its natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties.

In fact, it is among the oldest known remedies for treating infections and is still used in many communities today. Turmeric is most commonly taken orally in capsule form for belly button infection treatment, but can alternatively be applied externally as a paste or cream to help ameliorate conditions like excessive itching or discharge from the belly button. Additionally, turmeric can also help balance pH levels in the belly button area which helps prevent further infection while aiding in overall healing.

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6- Chamomile or Marigold Oil

For belly button infection treatment, both chamomile and marigold oil have proven to be effective natural remedies. Both oils are known for their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and skin-soothing properties. While it varies from person to person, these oils can help reduce inflammation, redness and itchiness associated with belly button infection.

When used topically and consistently, these oils are conducive to healing by allowing air to get in and promoting new cell growth at the affected area. Chamomile oil has a higher concentration of antioxidants that fight bacterial growth while marigold oil helps in regeneration of healthy new skin cells and tissue. Thus, these oils provide a powerful combination when treating belly button infection.

7- Neem

Neem, also known as Indian Lilac or Azadirachta indica, has been used for centuries to treat belly button infection. It contains active compounds with powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can help reduce inflammation and fight off bacterial or fungal infections.

In traditional medicine, the leaves of the neem tree are crushed and ground into a paste, which is then applied to the belly button area to reduce symptoms associated with belly button infection. Additionally, neem oil can be diluted in water or rubbed directly onto the affected area. This is not only an effective treatment but also a natural and cost-effective way to address belly button infection.


Keep your belly button clean and dry to help reduce your chances of developing an infection. Be sure to see a doctor if you develop any symptoms of a belly button infection, such as redness, pain, or discharge. With proper treatment, most infections will clear up within a week or two.

Please book an appointment with the Best General Physician in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 02137136090 to find a verified doctor for your disease.
