Are you concerned about the dangers of low blood pressure? High or low, maintaining a healthy blood pressure level is essential for your overall health and wellbeing. Having a reading that falls under the normal range can be a cause for concern as it puts strain on vital organs such as the heart, brain and kidneys. Luckily, there are many simple lifestyle changes you can incorporate to help raise those levels back up. In this post, we will uncover some easy tips on how to effectively raise low blood pressure in order to make sure you stay healthy and strong!

What is blood pressure?

Understanding what blood pressure is and why it is relevant to your health is essential. Blood pressure is the tension that operates inside blood vessels when your heart beats and pumps out blood. In numbers, this is measured in units of millimetres of mercury (mmHg), and consists of two readings: the systolic pressure (the higher number) which occurs when the heart muscle contracts, and the diastolic pressure (the lower number) which occurs when the heart muscle relaxes between each beat. When one or both numbers are elevated above their normal level, you may be suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure, a condition that can increase your chances of having more serious health conditions such as stroke or heart attack. It's important to work with your doctor to identify any potential issues concerning your blood pressure before it becomes a serious problem.

What is low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a medical condition in which the circulating blood exerts a lower than normal amount of force on the walls of the arteries. Normal blood pressure is between 90/60 and 120/80 mmHg -- systolic over diastolic. Low blood pressure can result from dehydration, certain medical conditions such as diabetes and kidney failure, pregnancy, side effects from certain medications, or standing up too quickly. Usually low blood pressure does not require treatment as it rarely causes symptoms; however if you experience dizziness; blurred vision; frequent fainting; shallow breathing; depression; extreme tiredness or exhaustion, seek medical help to understand the underlying cause and start treatment accordingly.

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Symptoms of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure is a condition diagnosed by a healthcare provider when your blood pressure reading falls too low. The American Heart Association recognizes 90/60 mmHg as the lower limit of a normal “range”. While low blood pressure can be harmless in some cases, it can also be a symptom of an underlying medical issue. As such, it should not be taken lightly and you should talk to your doctor if you suspect that you may experience symptoms of low blood pressure. Some potential symptoms include lightheadedness, dizziness, fatigue, fainting spells, blurred vision, and confusion. In severe cases people may experience chest pain or difficulty breathing. Eating smaller meals throughout the day and increasing your salt and water intake may help improve mild cases of low blood pressure. However for more serious conditions medication or lifestyle changes may be necessary to get your blood pressure back to normal levels.

Causes of low blood pressure

Low blood pressure, or hypotension, can have various causes. Most often, it is caused by an underlying medical condition such as

  • heart failure
  • dehydration
  • anemia
  • allergies

Additionally, certain medications used to treat high blood pressure can cause a person's blood pressure levels to drop too low.

  • Poor nutrition
  • No excessive
  • alcohol intake

can also lead to hypotension, as can some hormonal imbalances or endocrine problems. Certain diseases of the liver, kidneys or adrenal glands may be contributing factors as well. In some cases of hypotension there is no specific cause and it might require more in-depth evaluation by a doctor in order to pinpoint the exact cause of the low blood pressure.


Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, is a condition that affects many people. It can have serious health implications if left untreated and can be diagnosed during routine doctor visits. In addition to a physical examination, a physician may use technology such as an ambulatory pressure monitor or interostial catheterization to accurately assess the patient's blood pressure level. Through these means, they are able to identify situations in which hypotension exists and recommend treatments such as medication changes, hydration therapy and lifestyle modifications. All of these steps help ensure that patients receive the treatment they need in order to keep their low blood pressure under control and promote overall wellness.


Low blood pressure, or hypotension, can lead to serious health problems and is a condition that causes concern for many people. One of the most important ways to measure if your blood pressure is low is through specialized tests. These tests are conducted by a medical professional, who will compare your results with accepted standards in order to determine if there is cause for concern. In addition to collecting vital signs like temperature and pulse rate, the doctor might conduct other tests or ask questions about your overall health history. Depending on the results of these tests, a diagnosis and treatment may be recommended to keep your blood pressure levels healthy.

How To Raise Low Blood Pressure?

1- Use more salt

Adding a bit of extra salt to your cooking or food can be a great way to help raise low blood pressure levels. Since sodium helps the body to absorb and retain water, regulating how much fluid is kept in cells and how rapidly it flows, increasing it can support healthy functioning of your circulation system. Even if you aren't using a high-sodium diet as a medical treatment for hypertension, incorporating more salt into your diet can help provide a balanced flavor and more enjoyable meals. Just use your discretion and moderation; it’s important not to overdo it on salt consumption, as too much may have other health risks and lead to the development of disease.

2- Drink more water

Drinking more water is one of the easiest and most effective ways to raise low blood pressure. Not only does drinking plenty of water help you to feel more energized, but it is also great for health as it helps keep your organs functioning properly. Water also flushes out toxins from the body, which can lead to better overall health in the long run. Moreover, drinking ample amounts of water during the day has been known to reduce headaches and improve concentration, leading to more productive days. So if you are striving for improved health and vitality, then increasing your intake of water should be a top priority!

3- Wear compression stockings

Compression stockings are a simple but effective way to help raise low blood pressure. Wearing these stockings is proven to improve circulation and increase blood flow in the calves and feet, which can result in a resetting of the system that creates better overall blood pressure health. They come in a wide variety of sizes, as well as open toe and closed toe versions for those who need extra wiggle room. Compression stockings should be worn each day for best results, and should have a snug fit but not be overly tight or uncomfortable. With regular use, compression stockings can make a big difference in how you feel each day!

4- less alcohol

Moderating how much alcohol you consume can help to raise your low blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends women and men should drink no more than one alcoholic beverage a day and two or fewer a day, respectively. In addition to avoiding over-consumption, it is best to consume lower-alcohol drinks in particular, such as light beer or wine instead of harder liquor; this will also help to combat issues with high blood pressure. Ultimately, limiting how much alcohol you consume can improve your overall health, especially if done in combination with other lifestyle changes like a healthier diet and exercise routine.

5- Pay attention to body positions

An important way to raise low blood pressure is to pay attention to your body positions. Better posture can help improve circulation and increase how much oxygen your body gets. When standing make sure that you keep your back straight, put some weight on each of the feet, and try not to lock your knees. When sitting, it’s equally important to maintain an upright position and ensure that both feet are flat on the floor. Be mindful of how relaxed your muscles are; you should always stay active through natural movements when seated or standing in order to improve circulation. Paying close attention to how you position your body can lead to a reduction in stress, anxiety, and even a drop in blood pressure levels.

6- Eat small, low-carb meals

Eating smaller, low-carb meals throughout the day is a great way to help keep your blood pressure regulated. This makes it easier for the body to break down food and absorb its nutrients more efficiently, which in turn leads to lower blood pressure. It may also prevent episodes of high blood pressure, as well as how common symptoms such as headaches can surface due to spikes in BP. Therefore, when aiming for how to raise low blood pressure naturally and sustainably, smaller meals packed with low-carb ingredients should be incorporated into your routine.

7- Exercise regularly

Exercise regularly is one of the most important steps to leading a healthy lifestyle. Not only does it provide physical benefits such as improved strength and energy, but it can also how to raise low blood pressure for those who suffer from hypertension. Regular exercise helps to regulate blood pressure by decreasing heart rate and increasing cardiac output; regular physical activity can help to reduce stress levels which may be causing elevated blood pressure. It is recommended that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise weekly for optimal health benefits. Stretching and activities such as swimming, biking, jogging, and walking are good ways to get your body moving and feeling great.

View More: Exercise - A Pathway to Healthy Living

8- Eat smaller meals

Eating smaller meals throughout the day can be an effective way to regulate and raise low blood pressure. This technique consists of replacing large meals that contain a high amount of salt and fat, with several smaller ones that consist mainly of low-fat proteins, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Such dietary modifications not only provide essential nutrients for the body but also help promote weight loss goals, which together can have a synergistic effect on raising your blood pressure back to normal levels. Taking this approach to how you eat daily can make all the difference in how well your body copes with any underlying health concerns.

9- Check your blood sugar

Monitoring your blood sugar is an important part of managing diabetes. By regularly checking your blood glucose levels, you can ensure that your body is receiving the right amount of insulin. Understanding how food and lifestyle choices affect your blood sugar can help you prevent spikes or drops throughout the day. If your results indicate that your glucose levels have dropped too low, a snack with a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins can help to raise them quickly. Knowing how to adjust your food intake accordingly may even provide extra energy and energy throughout the day. Monitoring your blood sugar is crucial in understanding how changes in diet, exercise, and medication are impacting your health every day.

10- Get your thyroid checked

Keeping your thyroid healthy is essential for overall wellbeing, but how can you know if your thyroid needs some extra care and attention? The only true way to determine if a person’s thyroid is functioning properly and how to raise low blood pressure is to have a medical professional measure “thyroid stimulating hormone” (TSH) levels. If TSH levels are imbalanced it could be an indicator that the thyroid should be further evaluated with additional tests. While getting your thyroid checked should be part of routine health maintenance, it's especially important to make sure that TSH levels are in a normal range following stressful situations, when pregnant or trying to become pregnant, and as you get older. An ounce of prevention goes a long way - so taking proactive steps to check on your body's wellness will ensure your long term health and well-being.

11- Treat infections

Treating infections early can help to prevent serious health complications. One of the most important strategies for how to treat an infection involves identifying and addressing any underlying conditions that may be contributing to it. For example, a common factor in many infections is low blood pressure. Raising blood pressure can be accomplished through lifestyle changes such as eating heart-healthy foods, getting regular exercise, avoiding smoking, and managing stress. Other treatments options for infection may include antibiotics, antiviral agents, or contraceptive measures depending on the type of infection. Talk to your healthcare provider about how best to treat an infection so you can get back on track with good health soon.

Things to avoid that reduce blood pressure

High or low-level blood pressure is a serious concern for many people, especially given how much of an impact it can have on overall health. In order to raise low blood pressure and avoid other risks, there are certain behaviors that should be avoided. Excessive levels of caffeine consumption can put added stress on the heart and lead to problems with cardiac health. Smoking can also reduce oxygen levels in the body, leading to higher levels of stress hormones and contributing to poor circulation. Eating too much salty foods can also increase your blood pressure, so avoiding high sodium intake is strongly recommended. Furthermore, excessive alcohol intake is linked to various cardio-related diseases, hypertension notwithstanding. By paying attention to how these activities impact our daily lives as well as how we eat and how often we exercise, we can make better choices that will result in better blood pressures numbers overall.

When to see a doctor

Taking care of your health is essential, but how do you know when it's time to visit a doctor? Of course the most pressing issues should not be ignored and require immediate medical attention - however, sometimes it can be a bit difficult to tell how serious your condition is. One specific example of this sort of situation is when blood pressure drops too low. While how-to guides on how to raise low blood pressure can be found online, it's highly recommended that you get checked out by an expert as soon as possible. Doing so in a timely manner will help ensure proper diagnosis and treatment - leading to a faster recovery.

Please book an appointment with the Best General Physician in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.
