Living with lactic acidosis can be extremely challenging, both physically and emotionally. Lactic acidosis is an uncommon yet serious medical condition that occurs when there is too much lactic acid in your blood. Fortunately, it can be managed with the right treatment plan. In this blog post, we'll discuss the symptoms of lactic acidosis, potential causes that lead to its development, as well as different ways you can treat and manage it. We'll also include ways to prevent this condition from occurring in the first place. Let's get started by taking a closer look at what exactly lactic acidosis is and how it affects your body!

What is lactic acidosis?

Lactic acidosis is a medical condition in which an excess of lactic acid accumulates in the body. It is a potentially life-threatening condition that can occur due to underlying diseases, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms. Lactic acidosis primarily occurs when cells struggle to use oxygen for normal energy metabolism and instead increase their use of anaerobic glycolysis - resulting in excess production of lactic acid. When this happens, areas affected by lactic acidosis can experience rapidly deteriorating organ function and potentially even tissue death. If you suspect that you or someone you care about might be suffering from lactic acidosis, be sure to seek medical attention immediately.

Two types of lactic acidosis

Two types of lactic acidosis are the following:

Type A lactic acidosis

Type A lactic acidosis is a metabolic acidosis, caused by an increase in the production of lactate within the body. It is one of two types of lactic acidosis, with type B being due to impaired lactate clearance. Both types can lead to serious health complications if not diagnosed and treated promptly, so it’s important to be aware of their symptoms. Symptoms will vary depending on the individual and their underlying condition but may include difficulty breathing, drowsiness or confusion, abdominal pain, rapid heartbeat and overall fatigue. If diagnosed with type A lactic acidosis, treatment typically involves addressing any underlying cause while also focusing on replenishing electrolytes and using medications to lower blood lactate levels. Consulting with a physician is advised in order to decide on the most appropriate course of action for diagnosis and treatment.

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Type B lactic acidosis

Type B lactic acidosis is a rare form of lactic acidosis, and is usually caused by an underlying disorder—most often liver, kidney, or heart failure. It is characterized by hyperlactatemia—high hypertension of lactate in the bloodstream—and a metabolic acidosis which indicates a decrease in pH levels in body fluids. Despite its rarity, Type B lactic acidosis can be fatal if not identified early on and treated appropriately. If accompanied by other types of lactic acidosis, like Type A (caused by medications such as metformin), managing both types concurrently is crucial to preventing further complications. Seeking timely diagnosis and management from trained professionals can go a long way in helping those affected by either kind of lactic acidosis to avoid hospitalization or worse, fatality.

Lactic acidosis and diabetes

Lactic acidosis is a condition where there is a buildup of lactic acid in the cells and bloodstream. This occurs when the body has difficulty metabolizing glucose correctly due to an insufficient supply of oxygen. While usually caused by diseases of the heart or lungs, it can be linked to diabetes in some cases. For individuals who are unable to regulate their own insulin and glucose levels, such as those with Type 1 diabetes, either an overdose of insulin or low blood sugar levels can bring about lactic acidosis. Medications known as biguanides that are used for diabetics can also increase the risk for lactic acidosis if taken in higher doses than prescribed. Therefore, individuals with diabetes should be monitored regularly and take extra precautions to prevent accumulation of lactic acid in their bodies.

Symptoms of lactic acidosis

Lactic acidosis is a medical condition in which there is an increase in the levels of lactic acid found in the body's bloodstream. Symptoms of lactic acidosis can vary depending on the type and severity, however common ones may include general fatigue, rapid heart rate and breathing difficulties. Those with metabolic problems such as diabetes may also experience difficulty processing carbohydrates and physical weakness. Shortness of breath, vomiting, confusion and abdominal pain are also other possible signs. If any of these symptoms are noticed, seek medical advice immediately to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment.

Abdominal discomfort

Symptoms of lactic acidosis vary but can include abdominal discomfort as well as nausea, irregular heartbeat and shortness of breath. Severe cases can lead to loss of consciousness, coma or even death if left untreated. Generally, the more extreme the symptoms, the more urgent it is that medical attention be sought. While abdominal discomfort is not always indicative of a serious issue, it should not be taken lightly and medical attention should be obtained if it does not improve with rest or over the counter medications.

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Nausea is a common sensation that many of us have experienced before, most often associated with vomiting. Symptoms of nausea can include an uneasy feeling in the stomach, increased salivation, and an overall loss of appetite. In some cases, nausea can be a symptom of a more serious medical condition such as an infection or lactic acidosis. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include abdominal pain accompanied by severe nausea, rapid deepened breathing, pale complexion and rapid heartbeat. If any of these symptoms are present, it is important to seek medical attention immediately because lactic acidosis can cause tissue damage when left untreated for too long.

Decreased appetite

Decreased appetite is a common symptom of many ailments and can be caused by various factors. In some cases, it can indicate a serious medical condition such as lactic acidosis. Symptoms of this condition include fatigue, difficulty breathing, muscle pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, decreased hunger and increased thirst. It's important to keep an eye out for these symptoms and see a doctor if they persist so that lactic acidosis can be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Making lifestyle changes like eating smaller portions more often throughout the day or exercising more regularly may also help to improve appetite levels.


Diarrhea is a medical condition caused by several potential factors. Symptoms include frequent, watery stools that often occur in multiple episodes per day. It can also be accompanied by abdominal discomfort or cramping, nausea, and loss of appetite. Severe cases may cause dehydration due to excessive fluids leaving the body, resulting in low blood pressure, dizziness, rapid breathing, and symptoms of lactic acidosis like fatigue and confusion. Prompt treatment of diarrhea is recommended since it can quickly interfere with a person's daily functioning and lead to further complications. Therefore, it is important for individuals to recognize the common signs and reach out to their healthcare provider for assistance if necessary.

Fast, shallow breathing

Fast and shallow breathing, often known as tachypnea, can be a sign of other underlying illnesses. Symptoms such as chest pain, fatigue, rapid heart rate, and dizziness are often seen alongside this type of breathing. In some cases, it may be a signal of lactic acidosis - an illness caused by the buildup of lactic acid in the bloodstream due to intense exercise or poor liver function. Symptoms of lactic acidosis include nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, muscle weakness and cramping, confusion, shortened breath sounds or wheezing on physical examination. As it can be a sign of serious health issues, it is important that anyone who notices fast and shallow breathing should contact their healthcare provider for evaluation.

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Causes of lactic acidosis

Lactic acidosis is a medical condition in which there is an excess buildup of lactic acid in the body. Generally, it occurs when there is an imbalance between the rate at which lactic acid is produced and the rate at which it is broken down. Lactic acidosis has numerous potential causes, including diabetes, liver or kidney disease, long-term alcohol abuse, sepsis, hypotension or hypoxia (low oxygen levels in the blood), heavy medications like metformin and salicylates, cardiac arrhythmia and shock, dehydration, and mitochondrial disorders. Therefore, diagnosing this condition requires a detailed assessment of the patient's health history. If left untreated or if misdiagnosed, lactic acidosis can impair cellular functioning and potentially lead to catastrophic consequences such as coma and even death.

Heart disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including old age, genetic conditions, diabetes, and hypertension. Another possible cause of heart disease is lactic acidosis – a build-up of lactic acid in the blood due to certain medical conditions or medications. Causes of lactic acidosis can include dehydration, certain cancers and tumors, long-term use of some medications such as metformin, kidney failure or liver failure, or abnormally high levels of physical activity. It's important to talk to your doctor about any risk factors for developing heart disease – early detection and treatment can help reduce the chance of developing serious complications.

Severe infection

Severe infection, also known as a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), is the body's physiological reaction to a serious or life-threatening infection. Causes of SIRS include bacterial and viral infections, trauma, and burns. Often, a buildup of lactic acidosis in the bloodstream occurs due to the body's attempts to fight off the infection. In extreme cases, lactic acidosis can be fatal and even prompt organ failure if left untreated. It is important for those know the signs of severe infection so that it can be promptly diagnosed and treated to help prevent further complications from developing.


HIV is a virus that can cause a number of serious health complications, including lactic acidosis. Causes of lactic acidosis include inadequate oxygen in the cells, diabetic ketoacidosis, and heavy alcohol consumption among other things. It's also potentially caused by certain medications - like those used to treat HIV infection - that may increase lactic acid production or block its elimination from the body. If left untreated, lactic acidosis can be life-threatening, so it's important for anyone infected with HIV to monitor their health and proactively contact their doctor if symptoms start to appear.

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Cancer is a devastating illness that affects millions of people worldwide. It has many causes, but one of the most severe forms is lactic acidosis; this is where an individual’s pH level becomes dangerously low, due to an abnormal production of lactic acid within the body. This can occur for several reasons, such as metabolic diseases, some medications, and underlying medical conditions such as hidden tumors. Regardless of the cause, it can severely affect an individual and if caught in time, treatments including diets and medication can help to restore and regulate their pH levels. Unfortunately, following diagnosis and treatment there may still be consequences to contend with - more research into preventative measures needs to be undertaken.

Alcohol use disorder

Alcohol use disorder is a serious mental health issue characterized by the compulsive consumption of alcohol and an inability to regulate how much and how often it is consumed. It can cause numerous problems impacting physical and emotional wellbeing, including lactic acidosis- a dangerous condition that occurs when there's too much lactic acid in the body. Causes of lactic acidosis can include poor diet and excessive drinking, both factors common with those suffering from alcohol use disorder. Additionally, drinking large amounts of alcohol or binge drinking puts enormous stress on the liver and kidneys, which causes a buildup of lactic acid in the blood. Take steps to reduce your risk of alcohol-related issues such as lactic acidosis by seeking help for an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, eating a balanced diet, staying hydrated and talking to a health professional if you have any concerns.

How is lactic acidosis diagnosed?

Lactic acidosis is a medical condition in which the body produces too much lactic acid. Diagnosing this issue can be best done by running a blood test to determine the level of lactate. This will help to confirm whether there is an overabundance of lactic acid present in the system. The healthcare provider may also want to perform other tests as well, such as examining kidney and liver function, obtaining an electrocardiogram (ECG) or performing an iron metabolism test. These additional tests are important to determine any underlying causes that could have led to the production of excessive lactic acid in the system. Depending on the results and an individual’s symptoms, more diagnostic tests may need to be done and/or medications prescribed in order to get rid of the excess levels lactic acid in their body.

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Treatment options for lactic acidosis

Lactic acidosis is a potentially dangerous medical condition in which lactic acid accumulates in the bloodstream. It can lead to low blood pressure, poor circulation, and even organ failure if not adequately treated. Fortunately, there are several ways to address lactic acidosis and its associated symptoms including insulin therapy, sodium bicarbonate treatment, and hemodialysis. Insulin therapy can help decrease the amount of lactate in the body and boost glucose levels. Sodium bicarbonate helps restore critical alkalinity in the body. Finally, hemodialysis is used when other treatment options fail to reduce high levels of lactic acid. With these treatments as well as effective patient management and long-term lifestyle changes, it’s possible to effectively reduce symptoms of lactic acidosis and improve overall health outcomes.

Preventing lactic acidosis

Preventing lactic acidosis is an important part of preserving your overall health. Lactic acidosis is a buildup of lactic acid in the body and can be caused by several medical conditions, including diabetes, kidney failure and heart problems. To prevent lactic acidosis from developing, it is crucial to maintain good health habits. Eating a balanced diet and regularly exercising are two of the main components of a healthy lifestyle that will reduce the risk of accumulation of harmful toxins in the body. Additionally, you should visit your doctor regularly to have any underlying conditions monitored and treated when necessary. Taking proactive steps to prevent lactic acidosis can help ensure that you are living as healthy a life as possible.

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