When there is an infestation, lotrix cream is used. It may be applied to both adults and kids. Lice removal can also be aided with lotrix cream. It is beneficial for insects that stick to themselves on the skin. Also effective against mosquitoes, flies, fleas, and moths is lotrix cream. Due to the various disease agents they carry, these insects can spread illness. Permethrin topical is an active component of lotrix cream. By addressing scabies, lotrix cream works.


Product description

Price: 95.45

Pack size: 30gm cream

Composition: permethrin

Pharmaceutical form: cream

Brand name: glaxosmithkline


How lotrix cream works?

The active component in lotrix cream used to treat scabies and lice infestations is permethrin. Permethrin kills lice or scabies mites and their eggs, which is how it functions. It is a pesticide that causes the parasites' nervous system to malfunction and kill them.

After being applied to the skin, lotrix cream penetrates the epidermis and enters the circulation. The scabies mites or lice are subsequently paralysed and killed when it attaches to their nervous system. When used following a healthcare professional's instructions, permethrin cream is typically risk-free and an efficient treatment for scabies and lice.

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The suggested dosage of lotrix 30g cream for adults (18 and older) is a thin coating applied to the afflicted area. During 7 days, lotrix 30g cream may be used once every 8 to 14 hours.

A thin lotrix 30g cream coating should be applied for 8 to 14 hours for children (3 months to 17 years old). If the mites return after 7 days, use lotrix 30g cream.

It is not advised to use lotrix 30g cream on newborns (from birth to 2 months)


Side effects of lotrix cream

The potential adverse effects of each component that makeup lotrix cream are listed below. It isn't an exhaustive list. Some negative consequences are conceivable but not guaranteed. Some of the adverse effects might be uncommon yet severe. If you experience any of the adverse effects listed below, especially if they persist, speak with your doctor.

  •  Burning
  • Stinging
  • Pruritus
  • Erythema
  • Rash

 Less common side effects of lotrix cream:


Inform your doctor about your current prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs (such as vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, and medical problems before taking lotrix cream (e.g. Pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). Follow your doctor's instructions or the instructions on the package insert when taking. Your condition will determine your dosage. If your issue persists or gets worse, let your doctor know. The following list of crucial counselling points is provided.


  • Avoid making eye contact.
  • Not to be consumed orally. Before applying this medication to open wounds, or dry, chapped, irritated, or sunburned skin, speak with your doctor.
  • Before and after using lotrix cream, wash your hands. Clean and dry the region of skin that needs treatment.
  • After using lotrix cream immediately, avoid washing the treated area. Moreover, only use additional products on the treated region if your doctor instructs otherwise.
  • Pilling might happen if you apply too much. Use the medication in a thinner layer or smaller amounts to prevent pilling.
  • Do not get this drug in your mouth, nose, or eyes.

When not to apply lotrix cream?

A contraindication to using lotrix cream is hypersensitivity to it. Also, you shouldn't use lotrix cream if you have any of the following conditions: hypersensitivity.


Is it safe to take lotrix cream when pregnant?

For advice tailored to your particular situation, speak to your doctor.


With breastfeeding, is lotrix cream safe?

Carefully go through the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor.


Can itching and scabies be treated with lotrix cream?

Indeed, itching and scabies are among the most often reported applications for lotrix cream. Please get medical advice before using lotrix cream to treat itching and scabies. To examine the survey findings and discover the most typical applications for lotrix cream, click here.

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Use of too much lotrix cream

Use just the recommended dosage. More medicine won't prevent your symptoms; on the contrary, it might poison you or have other harmful side effects. Please go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital or nursing home if you think you or anybody else may have overdosed on lotrix cream. If you have a medicine box, container, or label, bring it so the doctor can get the necessary information.

Even if you know, someone else has the same ailment as you, or it appears they could, avoid giving them your medications. The result might be an overdose.

Please refer to your doctor, pharmacist, or product label for further information.


Keeping lotrix cream safe

The cream should be kept at room temperature and out of direct sunlight and heat. Unless instructed otherwise in the package information, avoid freezing medications. Keep pets and children away from the cream.

Avoid flushing drugs down the toilet or pouring them into drains unless specifically directed to do so. This type of medication disposal might pollute the ecosystem. Please speak with your pharmacist or physician for further information on properly disposing of lotrix cream.


Out-of-date lotrix cream

There is unlikely to be an adverse reaction from using one dosage of expired lotrix cream. In contrast, if you have questions, feel ill, or require assistance, speak with your primary care physician or pharmacist. A medicine that has expired could no longer work as well to address your ailments. It's crucial to avoid using outdated medications to stay safe. It is far safer to keep in touch with your primary healthcare practitioner so that you can have a fresh supply of unopened prescriptions if you have a chronic ailment that requires you to take medication regularly, such as a heart problem, seizures, or allergies that pose a severe risk to your life.


Permethrin serves as the active component in the topical treatment known by the brand name lotrix cream. Permethrin is a synthetic substance that is a member of the pyrethroid family and is frequently used as an insecticide.

Permethrin is usually safe and efficient for treating scabies and lice when used as instructed. It works by paralysing and destroying the insects and their eggs. While using permethrin cream, it's crucial to adhere to the directions given by your doctor or the product label. Stay safe and healthy!

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 03171777509 for further information.

Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/lotrix-cream-uses-side-effects-and-price-in-pakistan