
One of the most reputable brands among millions of customers is revital h, the main brand from sun pharma consumer healthcare. A daily health supplement contains the right amounts of 10 vitamins, nine minerals, and ginseng. Ginseng, b vitamins, and iron all boost the body's everyday energy requirements.

Uses of revitale tablet

This medication is used to treat all vitamin b complex and c deficiencies as well as hyperemesis (severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and possibly dehydration during pregnancy) neuritis (inflammation of one or more nerves), general debility (loss of strength), recovery period (slow return to health and strength following an illness or injury) growth and development in children, loss of weight and appetite, and general debility. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding also takes it as a dietary supplement.

  • Revital is a distinctive daily health supplement that contains ginseng, 10 vitamins, and 9 minerals.
  • Gives off energy and combats daylong weariness
  • Improves mental sharpness and increases resistance to stress
  • Increases immunity
  • Enhances one's quality of life
  • To make up for their "junk food" diet to keep their energy levels up in today's fast-paced world to preserve their mental clarity and concentrate to prevent/avoid being sick

Side effects of revitale tablet

The potential side effects of each component that makes up revitale-m tablet are listed below. This is not an exhaustive list. These negative outcomes are possible but not guaranteed. Some of the negative consequences could be rare yet severe. Speak with your doctor if you experience any of the side symptoms listed below, especially if they persist.

  • Tongue
  • Having trouble breathing
  • Regional redness
  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Swelling
  • Skin itchiness face or lip swelling
  • An allergic response

 Benefits of revitale-m tablet

  • Gives off energy and helps fight fatigue and laziness.
  • Keeps the bones strong and healthy.
  • Maintains healthy skin and hair.
  • Increases mental sharpness.
  • Reduces mental tension and improves stress tolerance.
  • Increases your immunity.
  • Aids in maintaining healthy bones, teeth, and vision.
  • Encourages anti-aging.


Before using revitale-m tablet, tell your doctor about all of your current prescriptions, over-the-counter medications (such as vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, and pre-existing diseases (e.g. Pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). If you have certain medical conditions, you may be more susceptible to the drug's side effects.

When taking, according to your doctor's advice or the directions on the product label. Your situation will determine your dosage. Inform your doctor if your problem continues or worsens. The important counseling points are mentioned in the list below.

  • Allergic responses
  • Aluminum poisoning
  • Avoid drinking while receiving niacin treatment.
  • Do not consume on an empty stomach.
  • Breastfeeding

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Reviatle composition and active ingredients

The vitamins and minerals in revital are as follows:

As active ingredients, calcium dibasic phosphate, calcium d-pantothenic acid, ginseng extract, choline tartrate, copper sulfate, ferrous fumarate, di-methionine, folic acid, magnesium sulfate, manganese sulfate, nicotinamide, potassium sulfate, phosphorus, potassium iodide, vitamin a, , vitamin b1, vitamin b12, vitamin b2.

Combo of revitale tablet

Men and women have different needs; therefore, revital h health supplement combo capsules is designed with that in consideration. You stay physically and mentally fit for your regular activities. Its ginseng content aids in improving concentration. It helps the body use more oxygen and maintains energy and stamina throughout the day.

Folic acid, a health vitamin made specifically for women, aids in supporting regular blood formation. Iron helps women stay mentally and physically healthy. Additionally, it includes anti-oxidants like biotin. It enhances endurance and aids in better everyday stress management.

How to use

After three months of daily use or as instructed by the doctor, take one capsule with one glass of water, milk, or juice and wait 15 days before taking another one.

When not to use

An adverse reaction to using revitale-m tablet is hypersensitivity. Additionally, you should not take revitale-m tablet if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Abrasions
  • Chronic dermatitis
  • Severe eczema
  • Allergic reactions
  • Sensitivity to selenium
  • Anemia
  • Bleeding condition
  • Cuts
  • Breastfeeding
  • Eye problem

How to use

  • Orally take this medication with a glass of water.
  • With food, take this medication.

Dosage: one pill per day is the suggested dosage.

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Interaction with other medicine

The effects of revitale tablet could change if you also take other medications or over-the-counter medicines. This could make your medication less effective or put you at greater risk for side effects. You should let your doctor know about all of the prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements you take so they can help you prevent or manage drug interactions. The following medicines and items may interact negatively with revitale tablet:

  • Alendronate and alcohol
  • Oxide and hydroxide of aluminum
  • Amiodarone

Storage condition

Store this medication away from strong heat and light sources at room temperature. Keep it out of children's reach.


Take one cap with breakfast each day. A greater dose, i.e., 2 caps/day, may be administered in single or divided doses in situations that are severe. Revital should be consumed over a period. After two to three weeks of consistent therapy, a clear resulted is anticipated. A longer term may be taken in cases of severe debilitation or over-exhaustion.

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 02137136090 for further information.
