
Rotec is a combination medication that contains two active ingredients: diclofenac sodium and misoprostol.

Diclofenac sodium is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (nsaid) that is used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. It efforts by blocking the manufacturing of definite chemicals in the body that source pain and swelling.

Misoprostol is a prostaglandin analogue that is used to help protect the stomach from the damaging effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids), such as diclofenac. It works by increasing the production of mucus in the stomach and promoting the movement of food through the digestive tract, which helps to reduce the risk of ulcers and other gastric complications.


Uses of Rotec tablet

Rotec tablets are used to treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or other forms of inflammatory joint pain. The combination of diclofenac sodium and misoprostol in rotec can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation, while also protecting the stomach from the damaging effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids).

Some specific uses of rotec tablets include:

  • Relieving pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Treating other forms of inflammatory joint pain
  • Helping to protect the stomach from the damaging effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS)

Drug-disease interactions

Rotec tablets can interact with certain medical conditions and other medications. It is important to tell your healthcare provider about all medical conditions you have before starting treatment with rotec. Some disease interactions with rotec tablets include:

  • Gastrointestinal conditions: rotec contains misoprostol, which is used to help protect the stomach from the damaging effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids), such as diclofenac. However, rotec may not be suitable for people with certain gastrointestinal conditions, such as ulcers, bleeding, or a history of perforation of the stomach or intestines.
  • Heart disease: diclofenac, one of the active ingredients in rotec, may increase the risk of heart attacks or strokes, especially in people with a history of heart disease or stroke.
  • Kidney or liver problems: people with kidney or liver problems may be at increased risk of side effects from rotec.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: rotec may not be safe to use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. It is important to tell your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding before starting treatment with rotec.
  • Other medications: rotec can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners, anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and other nsaids. It is important to tell your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking before starting treatment with rotec.

Food interactions

There are no known food interactions with rotec tablets. However, it is generally recommended to take rotec with a meal or snack to help reduce the risk of stomach side effects. If you have any questions or concerns about taking rotec with food, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide additional information and help you determine the best way to use this medication.

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Side effects of Rotec tablet

Like all medications, rotec tablets can cause side effects. Some common side effects of rotec include:

  • Stomach upset: this may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, indigestion, or abdominal pain.
  • Skin reactions: rotec can cause rashes, itching, or hives.
  • Dizziness or headache: some people may experience dizziness or headache while taking rotec.
  • Edema (swelling): rotec can cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in the ankles, feet, or hands.
  • High blood pressure: rotec can increase blood pressure, especially in people who already have high blood pressure.
  • Liver problems: rarely, rotec can cause liver problems, including liver enzyme elevation or liver failure.

Dosage form

Rotec tablets are oral medication available in tablet form. The tablets contain two active ingredients, diclofenac sodium and misoprostol. The exact dose of each active ingredient may vary depending on the specific product and formulation. It is important to follow the instructions of your healthcare provider and the label on the medication when using rotec tablets.

If you have any questions or concerns about the dosage form of rotec, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide additional information and help you determine the best way to use this medication.

Dosing information

The dosing information of rotec tablets depends on the specific product and formulation, as well as the individual's health status and medical history. The typical adult dose of rotec is one tablet taken four times a day, with food. However, the exact dose should be determined by a healthcare provider, taking into account factors such as the patient's age, weight, medical history, and other medications being taken.

It is important to follow the dosing instructions of your healthcare provider and the label on the medication when using rotec tablets. If you have any questions or concerns about the dosing information of rotec, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider. They can provide additional information and help you determine the best way to use this medication.


The packaging of rotec tablets depends on the specific product and manufacturer. Typically, rotec tablets are packaged in blister packs or bottles and can be dispensed in various quantities based on the needs of the patient. The packaging may include information such as the dose, instructions for use, and any precautions or warnings.

The packaging may also include information about the manufacturer, active ingredients, and expiration date. If you have any questions or concerns about the packaging of rotec tablets, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider or a pharmacist. They can provide additional information and help you understand the packaging of this medication.

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Rotec tablets should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. The medication should be stored in its original packaging until ready to use, and should not be stored in a car or other area where the temperature can fluctuate. It is also important to keep away rotec tablets from children and pets of the family. It is very important to follow the storage instructions mentioned on the medication label.

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