Do you suffer from acid reflux and wonder what, if any, sweets can be safely enjoyed? If so, you're not alone; millions of adults experience the painful burning sensation caused by acid reflux. Fortunately, it's helpful to know that it's still possible to enjoy a dessert or two even in the midst of heartburn. While there are some sweets that should be avoided due to their high fat content and other factors related to GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), many delicious desserts exist which don't trigger symptoms. Read on for more information about how certain treats may be beneficial for those with acid reflux and what types of goods are better left off your plate!

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid Reflux, also known as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), is caused by the contents of your stomach flowing backward into the esophagus - a cylindrical organ that transports food from your throat to your stomach. This backflow can result in unpleasant heartburn and other uncomfortable symptoms. If Acid Reflux is present over a period of time, it can cause permanent damage to the esophageal lining and even interrupt sleep. While certain lifestyle changes and medications can reduce the likelihood of experiencing acid reflux, seeking medical advice from your doctor can help you manage symptoms more effectively.

Causes of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is an uncomfortable condition that affects millions of people. It occurs when stomach acid spills back into the esophagus. While it can be caused by eating certain trigger foods like spicy or fried dishes, it can also be caused by certain lifestyle habits like being overweight, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, medication side effects, and even stress. Eating large meals and lying down too soon after eating can contribute to acid reflux as well. Though acid reflux can be unpleasant, there are ways to reduce its occurrence through making mindful changes in meal size and timing as well as reducing sources of stress. Talk with your doctor about any medications you are taking and make adjustments to your diet if necessary to help reduce the pain associated with acid reflux.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, commonly known as heartburn, is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by a feeling of burning in the chest, sour taste in the mouth, coughing or hoarseness, and difficulty swallowing. Other symptoms may include bloating, bad breath, nausea and throat pain. Symptoms tend to be worse after eating or when lying down, although some people also experience them during exercise or when bending over. Thankfully, there are many treatments available to help manage acid reflux including lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking and avoiding certain foods and drinks as well as medications. Consulting a doctor to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms is always recommended if persistent discomfort persists.

View More: The Top 5 Foods That Neutralize Stomach Acid

Treatment of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition when stomach acid flows back up into the esophagus and creates an unpleasant burning feeling. To treat this condition, many people turn to over-the-counter medications, but others choose more natural remedies such as sleeping at a 30-degree incline, eating smaller meals throughout the day, avoiding food and drinks that increase acid production, and avoiding lying down for several hours after eating. More severe cases may call for prescription medications from your physician such as proton pump inhibitors or H2 blockers. Lastly, your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and losing weight if you’re overweight. Finding relief from acid reflux doesn’t have to be difficult – seek out the advice of your healthcare provider and create the best treatment plan designed specifically for you.

what sweets can you eat with acid reflux?

For those with acid reflux, finding sweets that are safe to eat can be a challenge. Most frappes, ice cream sundaes, milkshakes and other heavy cream desserts are off the menu, as dairy products and fatty foods can often worsen digestive issues. However, there are plenty of delicious treats you can indulge in without fear! Non-dairy frozen treat recipes that substitute banana or avocado for heavy cream are a great way to cool down in hot weather. Natural fruit ices - like strawberry sorbet or mango lassi - don't contain any added sugars and will help you beat the heat while respecting your gastrointestinal limitations. Another thing to keep in mind is that sugarless gum or sugar-free hard candies sweetened with xylitol may actually help neutralize acid in your mouth so you can enjoy a sweet after dinner treat!

Dark chocolate

If you suffer from acid reflux, eating sweets can be a difficult challenge. Fortunately, dark chocolate is usually allowed as part of an acid reflux diet due to its lower fat and sugar content. It also contains thermogenic compounds that stimulate enzymes in your body to help break down what you’ve eaten. When looking for what sweets can you eat with acid reflux, dark chocolate is the perfect choice - just look for bars with a higher cocoa content (around 70% or more) and make sure milk isn't listed as one of the ingredients. Sweetening your days just got a little bit easier!


Eating fruit is a great way to maintain a healthy diet, but what sweets can you eat with acid reflux? Fortunately, there are several fruit-based options that can help soothe your symptoms and still satisfy your sweet tooth. Eating fruits without added sugars, like citrus fruits, peaches, plums or other low-acidic fruits are ideal. Additionally, using ripe bananas in smoothies or yogurt can be particularly soothing for some acid reflux sufferers; the banana's natural antacid properties can provide some relief. Poaching apples and pears in white wine is another popular option for those seeking to indulge their sweet tooth safely; the alcohol cooks off in the process leaving only the fruity flavor behind.

Low-fat Custard

If you're looking for what sweets you can eat with acid reflux, low-fat custard is a great option. It's made of sweetened milk and eggs that are cooked together while stirring, typically over low to medium heat in order to get the proper consistency. Not only is it tasty, but it also has the added bonus of being much lower in fat content than traditional custard. That's why it's the perfect dessert for those who have to watch what they eat. Plus, if served chilled, low-fat custard can be an especially refreshing treat during warm summer months.

Oatmeal with Honey

Oatmeal with honey is a great and tasty sweet that can be enjoyed by those who suffer from acid reflux. This combination of whole grain oats, mixed with natural and pure honey, is what makes it so special. This sweet snack can be topped off with additional fruit or nuts - such as blueberries, bananas, almonds, etc - to add more flavor and texture. Oatmeal with honey has the potential to become one's go-to what sweets can you eat with acid reflux? It provides a delectable and nutritious alternative in comparison to the unhealthy snacks typically consumed during night-time cravings.

Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt is an ideal what sweet you can eat with acid reflux. By using non-dairy probiotic bacteria for the fermentation of the yoghurt, it gives frozen yogurt a tart taste similar to ice cream but with a much lower fat content. The probiotics also have a probiotic effect that can help reduce the negative symptoms associated with acid reflux. Additionally, toppings like fresh fruit or granola are low in refined sugars, making them great options for what sweets you can eat with acid reflux. So if you're looking for what sweets you can enjoy despite your condition, frozen yogurt should be your go-to!

Ginger Tea

Drinking ginger tea is a popular remedy among those suffering from acid reflux. This flavorful beverage has been found to help reduce the symptom of acid reflux as it can provide relief from indigestion and nausea. Ginger tea can be made easily at home with fresh ginger root or in a bag from the store. Enjoying this refreshing drink is a great way to help ease what sweets you can enjoy if you suffer from acid reflux; for example, fruit sorbets and sugar-free gelatin are excellent options. Don't forget the tea though! Ginger tea is an easy and tasty way to get relief and have a cozy, content moment each day.

View More: 10 Health Benefits Of Ginger Powder Sonth

Worst Foods for Acid Reflux

Eating the wrong foods can be a recipe for discomfort, particularly when it comes to acid reflux. Spicy or fried foods, tomato sauces, and highly acidic foods like citrus fruits can all trigger uncomfortable symptoms. Alcohol and caffeine are other known causes of GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease). Eating too much in one sitting can also cause or exacerbate symptoms by increasing stomach pressure. People with acid reflux can reduce their risk for flare ups and painful episodes by avoiding these triggers, keeping track of any offending ingredients, and being mindful of portion size.

Fried foods

Fried foods have been around for centuries, and they remain an incredibly beloved part of the culinary landscape. From French fries to donuts and from hush puppies to noodle cakes, fried foods are a staple in eateries worldwide. Different cultures have variations on the same dish, cooked in different types of oil or using unique combinations of spices and other ingredients. While deep-fried dishes can be full of fat, that doesn't mean they lack nutrition--many recipes simply add nutrition through added ingredients like eggs, meats, cheese, and vegetables. Plus, thanks to healthier cooking methods like air frying that use little to no oil at all, you can still enjoy these delicious eats without overly indulging on saturated fats.

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are a family of nutrient-dense and delicious fruits that offer many health benefits. Common citrus fruits include lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, and clementines. These fruits contain high levels of Vitamin C and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are also low in calories and contain plenty of fiber to aid digestion. In addition to being enjoyed raw or cooked into recipes for added flavor, citrus fruits can be used topically to make natural cleaning products or can be used as garnishes - the possibilities are endless! With their bright colors and tantalizing taste, it's easy to see why these zesty fruits are so popular around the world!


Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables in the world, enjoyed in countless cuisines and dishes. They are a staple ingredient of Italian food, used to make tasty sauces and salads, but their versatility also allows them to be oven-dried for snacking or even made into delicious ketchups! In fact, tomatoes contain all five tastes - sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami - making them an incredibly complex and interesting fruit (yes, it's a fruit not a vegetable!). Tomatoes are also packed with antioxidants which makes them an excellent addition to any healthy diet. As if that's not enough they're also one of the most cost effective fruits around, meaning you can always have plenty available all year round.


Garlic is one of the oldest and most flavorful additions to cooking that has been around for centuries. It belongs to the Allium family which includes chives, leeks, and onions and shares their unique smell. Garlic has compounds that can help reduce blood pressure, boost the immune system, ward off certain illnesses, improve heart health, and even fight cancer. Its sharpness adds great flavor when cooked into a dish while some recipes call for garlic to be added raw. Whether eaten by itself or as an ingredient in many different dishes, garlic is a versatile element to any meal.


With Halloween just around the corner, it’s important to be aware of what types of candy you can and cannot eat if you have acid reflux. No one wants to miss out on all the fun and sweets during this spooky holiday, so being prepared with a list of safe options is key. Next time you are at the store stocking up for your Halloween party, keep these ideas in mind to help make sure everyone has a good time – no matter their level of sugar intolerance!

Please book an appointment with the Best Gastroenterologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 02137136090 to find the verified doctor for your disease.
