Introduction and its uses

That provate-g cream is used to treat eczema, allergies, rashes, and dermatitis are just a few of the inflammatory skin diseases. Gentamicin and betamethasone dipropionate are their active components.

When applied topically to the skin, the glucocorticoid steroid betamethasone dipropionate reduces inflammation brought on by skin conditions. An antibiotic called gentamicin suppresses bacterial skin illnesses like eczema, impetigo, and folliculitis. Also, it works well on mild burns, scratches, wounds, and cuts.

Only bacterial skin illnesses respond well to provate-g ointment; viral or fungal infections may not respond as well.

Provate-g cream formula

  • Betamethasone dipropionate
  • Gentamicin

Available form

  • Cream

Side effects of provate-g cream

If you follow the directions, betamethasone skin treatments shouldn't have any negative effects.

If you apply it to big, sensitive skin areas like the face for an extended period of time, or if the area is covered by bandages or diapers, you are at risk of experiencing side effects.

When betamethasone is applied to the skin, some individuals experience a burning or stinging sensation for a short period of time. Once you've been using it for a few days, this stops occurring.

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Serious side effects

If your skin becomes more bloated, and redder, or if yellow fluid is oozing from it, this could be an indication of a skin infection that has just started or is growing worse. If your skin develops lighter or darker areas, this could be a sign that the color of your skin is changing.

You get raised lumps with pus under your skin when taking betamethasone for psoriasis.

Some symptoms of adrenal gland dysfunction include extremely upset stomach or vomiting, severe dizziness or fainting, muscle weakness, extreme fatigue, mood swings, loss of appetite, and weight loss.

How to use

  • Washing and drying your hands is advised. Before applying the medication, thoroughly clean and dry the affected region. As directed by your doctor, often 1-2 times per day, apply a thin layer of this medication to the affected area and gently rub it in.
  • Do not wrap, bandage, or otherwise cover the affected area unless your doctor instructs you to.
  • Give the medication a good shake before each dose if you are using the lotion form of the medication.
  • Wash your hands after using provate-g unless you are using it to treat your hands. Applying provate-g close to your eyes should be avoided since it could exacerbate or worsen glaucoma.

Just follow the dosage and time recommendations for this medication. Use for no more time.

Typical dosing of provate-g cream

  • As directed, apply a thin coating to the affected region once or twice daily.
  • Apply a thin coating to the afflicted region as indicated once or twice a day with an augmented cream, ointment, or gel. Use no more than 50 grams weekly.
  • Use a few drops of lotion on the affected region twice a day and gently massage the area until the problem is gone.
  • Apply a few drops of the augmented lotion to the affected area once or twice per day and gently massage it till it goes away. Use no more than 50 ml weekly.
  • Spray (sernivo brand): use twice daily on the affected region.

Caution with other medicine

Other medications are very unlikely to alter betamethasone skin treatments' effectiveness.

  • Make careful to wait about 30 minutes after using betamethasone before applying any other skin treatments if you are doing so.
  • If you're taking it: let your doctor or pharmacist know.
  • A medicine called itraconazole is used to treat fungus infections. Ritonavir and cobicistat are drugs used to treat hiv. Eczema creams, asthma inhalers, pills, injections, nasal sprays, and eye or nose drops are other drugs that include steroids.


Inform your doctor or pharmacist about all of your medical histories before using this drug, particularly any instances of poor blood circulation or immune system issues.

If a rash or infection is present in the area that has to be treated, avoid using it.

Rarely, prolonged use of corticosteroid drugs or their application to large areas of skin can impair your body's ability to react to physical stress. If you experience a severe illness or injury, before undergoing surgery or receiving emergency care.

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Pregnancy and breast-feeding

Generally speaking, it is not advised to use betamethasone when pregnant. If a dermatologist decides the advantages outweigh the dangers, they may recommend it.

Pregnancy-related issues are unlikely to be brought on by tiny doses of betamethasone applied to discrete areas of the skin. The safety of using higher doses of betamethasone during pregnancy has not been sufficiently studied.

Provate-g cream on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers can commonly utilize betamethasone skin treatments.

Before feeding your baby if you're using betamethasone cream or ointment on your breasts, wash any remaining medication from your breast and then wash your hands.

When breastfeeding, the cream is typically preferable to ointment since it is simpler to remove.

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