If you're experiencing sharp, tender pain in your breast that increases when you press on it, you may be wondering what could be causing this discomfort. Breast pain can range from mild to severe and can come and go depending on various conditions. While a sore or sensitive feeling shouldn't be taken lightly, it's important to understand the potential underlying causes so you can get the medical care and relief needed for optimal health. To help shed light on why this might be happening, here are 11 of the most common causes of breast pain when pressed upon.


Causes of breast hurt when i press it

1- Hormonal changes

During puberty, hormones surge through our bodies and cause radical physical changes. These hormones, often testosterone and estrogen for males and females respectively, cause accelerated growth in certain areas of the body as well causes breast development.

As a result of these hormonal changes, causes of breast hurt when pressed can be due to normal bodily growth associated with puberty. This is especially common during the teenage years when these hormone levels are at their highest. While tenderness in this area is expected due to their growth, if a more severe discomfort persists it is advisable to consult a professional and have it checked out.


2- Mastitis

Mastitis is a serious infection of the breast that causes swelling, pain, warmth, tenderness in the affected area, and sometimes a fever. It is more common in women who are breastfeeding and occurs when bacterium enters the breast through cracks or cuts in the nipple tissue. Additionally, mastitis can be caused by blocked milk ducts or a build up of dead skin cells in the mammary glands.

Symptoms include pain when one presses on their affected breast, discharge from the nipples, lumps or areas of hardness which may be red and swollen, feverishness and chills. If left untreated mastitis can cause scarring and severe health complications such as septicaemia. It is important to seek medical advice if you suspect that you have developed this condition so treatment can be started promptly.


3- Medications

Medication is often an important and necessary tool in addressing health issues, but it can have dangerous side effects if not used properly. Unfortunately, many causes of breast hurt when pressing are related to medication: women who take certain hormone medications may experience tenderness or pain in their breasts or throughout their body, while some medications used for depression can cause changes in the soft tissue leading to breast tenderness.

Furthermore, certain antibiotics can also cause breast pain due to interactions with hormones in the breasts. Taking the wrong doses or mixing different medications without consulting a doctor could lead to further unwanted consequences, thus highlighting the importance of closely monitoring one's usage of and response to various medications.

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4- Breast cysts

Breast cysts are a common type of breast abnormality in women who are between the ages of 30 and 50. They can cause multiple symptoms, such as pain or tenderness when touched, swelling of the breast, a feeling of heaviness, or even nipple discharge. While they are not dangerous and generally require no specific treatment, it is important to be aware of their causes.

Breast cysts can be caused by hormonal changes during one's menstrual cycle and certain medications like oral contraceptives or hormone therapy aerosols. Surveys have shown that most cases of breast cyst discomfort occur around the time ovulation occurs in women - which explains why they can often hurt when pressed upon. Since any signs or symptoms associated with breast cysts should be checked out by a doctor, it is important to reach out to a healthcare professional if you experience any type of pain or discomfort coming from your breasts.


5- Fibrocystic breast changes

Fibrocystic breast changes is a condition that affects many women, where the breasts become lumpy or feel tender to the touch. These changes are very common in women who are of reproductive age and not necessarily an indicator of any serious health condition.

While causes of this change may remain unknown, most often it's to do with the body's hormone cycles—causing swelling and tenderness during times such as ovulation. If your breasts hurt when pressing them, you may be experiencing fibrocystic breast changes. In this case, it is best to talk to your doctor about possible causes and determine if it is indeed a sign of something more serious.


6- Breast abscesses

Breast abscesses can cause immense pain and discomfort in the area of the breast where they are located. Women may experience soreness, redness, a feeling of warmth, and tenderness when they press on the affected area. Breast abscesses are causes by a bacterial infection, leading to inflammation and fluid accumulation within the breast tissue.

Risk factors for developing a breast abscess include breastfeeding and other causes such as trauma from a biopsy or surgery, presence of an implant, plugged ducts due to blockage in milk ducts, skin irritation caused by clothing or friction from nipple shields. Treatments for breast abscesses range from antibiotics to drainage or surgical treatments depending on the severity of the situation. If you experience any kind of pain or discomfort when you press your breast, it is important that you visit your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


7- Breast tumors

Breast tumors can take several different forms, from the most common types of non-cancerous lumps to malignant cancerous growth. Lumps that are caused by cysts, fibroadenoma or fibrocystic changes, which are multiple small benign tumors in the same area, can often be felt and causes of a sore breast or pain when pressure is applied.

In order to determine if a lump is benign or cancerous, a doctor will typically perform an ultrasound to assess the characteristics of the lump and then biopsy it if needed. It is important to get any suspicious lumps checked out right away - early detection will greatly increase your chances of successful treatment.


8- Scar tissue

Scar tissue is a type of hard, thickened connective tissue that forms when the body undergoes any form of trauma or inflammation. It is common for causes of breast pain when i press it, especially in women who have had any kind of surgery in their breasts such as a lumpectomy or a mastectomy.

In addition to causes of physical discomfort, scar tissue can also cause psychological distress, as it often causes people to feel like they are living with markers of past traumas that they wish to forget. Although there aren’t any direct treatments available to reduce the appearance of scar tissue on the surface, various massage techniques may be used to reduce tension and soreness associated with the condition.


9- Breast injuries

Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common complaint among many women. It can range from a dull ache to sharp stabbing sensations and can be felt in one or both breasts. Causes of this discomfort vary greatly and can include hormone issues, certain medications, breast tumors, trauma or injury, and breastfeeding-related causes.

Many women experience breast pain when they press on the area that is hurting but inflammation often causes the most prevalent issues. If your breast hurts when you press it, it’s important to consult with a medical professional to gain insight into the potential causes and other causes of associated with breast injuries.

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10- Bra fit

Finding a good bra fit can be tricky, but worth the effort. It is important to feel comfortable and supported by your bra throughout the day, but many causes may make it hard to feel that way. Breast hurt when pressure is applied can be caused by poor cup size, band size too tight or large, straps digging into the shoulders, or styles not suited for your body.

Taking time to research possible causes in order to find better fitting options is key for a successful bra fit. By understanding how every part of the bra works together you can find one that works for you and helps reduce pain related causes.


11- Breast injuries

Breast pain can be caused by a number of causes, from hormonal shifts to causes related to medical conditions. Depending on the individual, causes may include changes in estrogen levels during teenage puberty, perimenopause or menopause or pre- and post-menstrual cycles, changes during pregnancy and lactation, breastfeeding injuries or trauma, medications such as oral contraceptives or anti-inflammatories, and medical conditions such as fibrocystic breasts or mastitis.

Some causes can be acute and require judicious evaluation and treatment while others are more chronic in nature and require long-term management. If breast pain persists despite preventive tactics such as wearing supportive bras, avoiding caffeine-rich beverages or taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, it should be evaluated by a healthcare professional for further assessment.


Common causes of breast pain can be treated easily at home

Breast pain can be extremely uncomfortable, but what may surprise you to know is that many of its most common causes are easily treated at home. Notably, premenstrual syndrome or pms can cause cyclic breast tenderness and swelling when your hormone levels change each month. This is usually the most prominent after ovulation when progesterone increases, leading to the lumps and sensitivity we all dread.

However, you can battle this breast pain in a variety of ways: eating right, reducing stress, exercising regularly and avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help redirect excess hormones that could otherwise lead to breast pain. In addition, wearing the right bra with breathable fabric - without underwires! - can help reduce discomfort. Such simple yet effective tips make it possible to alleviate your troubles without having to leave home.


When to see a doctor?

Everyone experiences some level of pain, but if the pain is persistent or abnormal it may be a sign that it's time to make an appointment with a doctor. Why does my breast hurt when i press it? Is a question many people with breast pain ask themselves, especially as they are unsure when they should seek medical advice and what to expect at their appointment. If you have inexplicable and worrisome symptoms, taking the time to see a doctor can help provide support and explain anything that might be concerning. Remember nobody knows what your body is going through better than you do, so trust your instincts!



Breast pain can be extremely uncomfortable and frustrating, especially when you don't know the cause. We hope this article has helped shed some light on potential causes of your breast pain. Remember to consult with a medical professional if you're experiencing persistent or severe breast pain. They will be able to give you a more accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.


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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/why-does-my-breast-hurt-when-i-press-it