Dr. M.Haseeb

Dr. M.Haseeb
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to book an appointment with Dr. M.Haseeb. Or, you can also call at 03171777509 from 9 AM to 7 PM to book an appointment with Dr. M.Haseeb.
Dr. M.Haseeb charges Rs.1000 for consultation.
Dr. M.Haseeb has the following degrees: MBBS,FCPS
Dr. M.Haseeb is specialist Ophthalmologist. His area of expertise include Glaucoma surgery, Corneal surgery, General eye examination, Vitreo retinal surgery, Canaloplasty, Oculoplasty, Lacrimal surgery, Diabetic retinopathy, Eyelid surgery, Macular hole surgery.
Practice location/s and timing for Dr. M.Haseeb are:
- Al-Ain Institute Of Eye Diseases and Poly Clinic
- Monday - 05:00 PM - 09:00 PM
- Tuesday - 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM
- Wednesday - 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM
- Thursday - 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM
- Friday - 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM
- Saturday - 12:00 AM - 11:00 PM