Ferritin Test Price and Details

26 labs available

Known As: Serum Ferritin,Ferritin (Blood),Serum Ferritin Level

Last Updated On Friday, March 14, 2025

Ferritin Test Price and Details

26 labs available

Known As: Serum Ferritin,Ferritin (Blood),Serum Ferritin Level

Last Updated On Friday, March 14, 2025

Rs. 1208 Rs. 1510 20% off
Rs. 1046.5 Rs. 1610 35% off
Rs. 1440 Rs. 1800 20% off
Rs. 1440 Rs. 1800 20% off
Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 25% off
Rs. 1500 Rs. 2000 25% off
Rs. 1672 Rs. 2090 20% off
Rs. 1620 Rs. 2160 25% off
Rs. 1870 Rs. 2200 15% off
Rs. 1760 Rs. 2200 20% off
Rs. 1760 Rs. 2200 20% off
Rs. 1650 Rs. 2200 25% off
Rs. 1760 Rs. 2200 20% off
Rs. 1904 Rs. 2240 15% off
Rs. 1904 Rs. 2240 15% off
Rs. 1955 Rs. 2300 15% off
Rs. 1762.5 Rs. 2350 25% off
Rs. 1880 Rs. 2350 20% off

What is the Ferritin Test?

The main purpose of a ferritin test is to indicate and measure the amount of ferritin stores in your blood. It is an iron carrier protein. You can also think of it as an iron storage house. It will give your doctor an idea about how much iron your body has. If, in your test results, ferritin levels are lower than normal then it will mean that your body is iron deficient. After that, you will be diagnosed with IDA. It is iron deficiency anemia.

If, in your test results, ferritin levels are higher than normal then it will mean that your body has too much iron. It will indicate iron toxicity in your body. This will also point towards:

Various liver diseases

Rheumatoid arthritis

Some inflammatory conditions


The ferritin toxicity can also be a cause of blood cancer. Only if the levels are extremely high.

Along with medication, dietary interventions are given.

When is it performed?

The ferritin test is suggested by doctors when they think that you have iron deficiency or if they suspect iron toxicity. This test can also mean suggesting:

A condition where iron absorption has increased way too much like in hemochromatosis.

Iron deficiency anemia

Liver disease

Adult Still's disease

It is also possible that you get diagnosed with a disease like a hemochromatosis. It is a condition in which your iron stores and iron is increased a lot in your body. The doctor will ask you to get follow-up tests so that he can keep a track of your health and check if the treatment is working or not.

The same thing can be done in case of deficiency cases, to monitor the improvement.

What does it detect?

Followings are a number of things that this test can detect or indicate.

Iron deficiency

Iron toxicity



Rheumatoid Arthritis

Other inflammatory disorders

Liver disease



Hodgkin's lymphoma

What are the benefits of this test?

The major benefit of the test is that you get to know about your health status. This test is also very common and can be done at any laboratory. You will get the results of this test within a few hours as well.

When should I know the results of this Test?

The time when you get the results depends on from where you get your test done. It can be done within anywhere from a few hours to a day. But most probably the reports are compiled within an hour or a few hours. These days, you can also have a look at your test results online.

What are the Ferritin Test Results range?

The followings are the normal result ranges of ferritin levels in our bodies.

For men, the normal ferritin levels range from 24 to 336 micrograms per liter.

For women, the normal ferritin levels range from 11 to 307 micrograms per liter.

If the ferritin levels are very low from the normal values then it could mean that you have iron deficiency.

But, on the other hand, if the values are higher than the normal range then it will be an indicator of ferritin toxicity.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Ferritin test is a medical diagnosis of your health which is conducted by healthcare laboratories. In this test, the lab will collect your Ferritin sample and will process it in its facility. Reporting time of Ferritin test is 2 Day(s). After the processing results will be published and you will be notified. You can either download your lab test report online or can visit the near sample collection center to get printed reports.

Medical tests are the procedures in which a laboratory takes a sample of your blood, urine, or any other body fluid or body tissue to get detailed information about your health. Usually, lab tests are used to help to diagnose and screening specific diseases or medical conditions. Some tests are also used to gain general information about organs and body systems.

The price of Ferritin tests varies from lab to lab but on InstaCare you will find discounts on the tests. Price range of Ferritin test is 2450 - 2450.

Yes, You can view the results of your tests online with InstaCare and its partners.

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