The Citi Lab LDL (Cholesterol) Test Price and Details
Last Updated On Tuesday, March 11, 2025
LDL (Cholesterol) at The Citi Lab
Known as: Low-Density Lipoproteins (Cholesterol),LDL
What is the ldl cholesterol Test?
LDL cholesterol, also known as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is a kind of blood cholesterol. A person's LDL cholesterol levels can be determined by blood tests. An individual's chance of developing major illnesses like heart disease may grow if their LDL cholesterol levels are excessive. Lipoproteins in a human's bloodstream carry cholesterol throughout the body. LDL cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol are indeed the two kinds found in the blood. LDL may be referred to as "bad" cholesterol and HDL as "good" cholesterol by certain people. Cholesterol is used by the body to create many hormones, vitamins, and cells. However, having high cholesterol can make someone more susceptible to developing heart disease. A doctor can evaluate a patient's LDL cholesterol levels with the aid of LDL blood testing and swiftly address any problems.
When is an ldl cholesterol performed?
Children between the ages of 9 and 11 and teenagers between
the ages of 17 and 21 should also undergo a cholesterol test.
The following risk factors may necessitate more frequent
cholesterol tests for an individual:
- Heart condition
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol in the family
- Having a cigarette
- Obesity
- Unhealthful eating
- Blood pressure is high
- Being at least 55 years old for women, or 45 years old for
What does an ldl cholesterol detect?
Doctors utilize LDL testing, a type of blood test, to determine how much LDL cholesterol is present in a patient's circulation. LDL testing can assess LDL levels independently or as a component of a lipid panel test.
- Doctors can use lipid panels to measure the following
parameters to determine LDL cholesterol levels:
- Cholesterol overall
- The most prevalent type of triglyceride,
- The most prevalent type of triglyceride,
- Trusted Blood fats' source types
A person's risk of heart disease can be determined by the
quantity of LDL cholesterol particles they have. A person may have a greater
risk of acquiring blocked arteries if they have higher levels of LDL
cholesterol levels.
Depending on the situation, doctors could suggest the
following modifications for someone with high LDL cholesterol:
- Giving up smoking
- Consuming a diet low in trans and saturated fats
- Achieving or keeping a healthy body weight through regular
exercise and stress management
- Getting enough rest and avoiding drinking
What are the benefits of this test?
An LDL cholesterol test can identify the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood. LDL amounts may be examined as a component of diagnosing, screening, or monitoring since they can reveal information regarding cardiovascular health.
An LDL cholesterol test may be ordered to confirm the
diagnosis of elevated blood cholesterol.
Measuring LDL cholesterol levels in advance of any signs Doctors may assess your LDL cholesterol levels to establish a baseline value since health problems might arise when cholesterol levels are too high. For a better understanding of your cholesterol changes, your doctor can contrast subsequent measurements to this one.
When should I know the results of the ldl cholesterol test?
Healthcare laboratories do the LDL (Cholesterol) test diagnosing diseases of your health. Your LDL (cholesterol) samples will be taken and processed by the lab during this examination. The LDL (Cholesterol) test reporting period is two days (s).
ldl cholesterol Test Results range?
The LDL cholesterol ranges for adults are as follows: Less
than 100 mg/dL is ideal (This is the goal for people with diabetes or heart
disease.) Almost ideal range: 100 to 129 mg/dL. High-risk range: 130 to 159