Dr. Nafees Anjum

Dr. Nafees Anjum
- Ayesha Hospital.
Dr. Nafees Anjum is a Pediatrician. He is having over 5 years of experience in the field of Pediatrician and practices at Ayesha Hospital. His field of interest includes Autism, Asthma, Genetic Defects, ADHD, Allergies, Behavior Problems, Brain Conditions, Constipation, Developmental Delay, Developmental Dysplasia, Encopresis, Faecal Incontinenceor, Fragile X Syndrome, Poor Growth, Sleep Problems, Adolescent Medicine, Cardiovascular Care, Diarrhea, Immunization, Management Of Pediatric Illness, Newborn Illnesses, Nutrition Assessment, Respiratory Complications, Short Stature, Underweight Children.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to book an appointment with Dr. Nafees Anjum. Or, you can also call at 03171777509 from 9 AM to 7 PM to book an appointment with Dr. Nafees Anjum.
Dr. Nafees Anjum charges Rs.1000 for consultation.
Dr. Nafees Anjum has the following degrees: MBBS,MCPS,PGPN
Dr. Nafees Anjum is specialist Pediatrician. His area of expertise include ADHD, Adolescent Medicine, Allergies, Asthma, Autism, Behaviour Problems, Dietary Consultation, Blood Disorder, Emergency Treatment, Brain Conditions, Complete Vaccination, Encopresis, Constipation, Management Of Pediatric Illness, Genetic Defects, Immunization, Fragile X Syndrome, Poor Growth, Sleep Problems, Developmental Delay, Renal Issues, Diarrhea, Seizures Problems, Short Stature.
Practice location/s and timing for Dr. Nafees Anjum are:
- Ayesha Hospital
- Monday - 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Tuesday - 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Wednesday - 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Thursday - 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM
- Friday - 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM